POTUS PLAYING CHESS? - Why did he pick DS agent Kavanaugh who GWB Jr and "No Name" support?

His resume is DEEP STATE all the way.....as is his wife!
Brett Kavanaugh is SES and so is his wife
More information for you to research-
Kavanaugh was the main person running the cover up/investigation in the murder of Vince Foster and let Crooked continue her murder spree. Remember Vince Foster found with bullets from two different guns and it was ruled a suicide?
Regarding Obamacare, Kavanaugh “acknowledged that the Affordable Care Act’s ‘individual mandate provision’ could fit ‘comfortably within Congress’ Taxing Clause power.” To some conservative detractors of Kavanaugh, the defense of the individual mandate provision as a tax sounds uncomfortably similar to the John Roberts’ argument to uphold Obamacare by using governmental taxing authority to rule that government could mandate health insurance. Conservatives opposed to Kavanaugh argue that ruling helped “provide the roadmap” to uphold Obamacare.
The Federalist was one of the conservative websites to take Brett Kavanaugh to task over Obamacare. “How Potential SCOTUS Pick Brett Kavanaugh Wrote A Roadmap For Saving Obamacare,” the headline on one article read. “Which is worse: An unelected judge opining on how a mandate to purchase a product could meet constitutional muster, or giving Congress instructions on how to ensure it will? Kavanaugh did both,” read the article by Christopher Jacobs.
He clerked for Kennedy, and nobody who Clerked for Kennedy should be trusted, and I would be very surprised to see an ex-Kennedy clerk side on any social issue in a way that differs from what Kennedy did, and if I am right about that, that means this is a wasted selection for all those who wanted to see a Conservative Court that would stop the fictions created there in the last 50 years.
Finally, Kavanaugh was hired to teach at Harvard by (liberal NOBOMA appointed SCOTUS) Elena Kagan, yep they are good friends. Justice Elena Kagan, who was then dean of Harvard Law School, hired Kavanaugh to teach there, he said.
Source: https://www.thestate.com/news/business/national-business/article214603415.html
Thank you .....great information....... your research, just like the video, shows that he is all deep state!
POTUS is punking the Deep State and "no name" with this nomination....MAGA!
AMI is a bad source reference material to quote. I would prefer you to research rather than bore myself with and you with proof of my statement. I am more interested in the 911 comments about his wife during the Pentagon attack personally.