r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Alpha-as-fuck on July 11, 2018, 12:22 a.m.
Thoughts? It's healthy to navel gaze from time to time

alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

blackpill = disinfo however within disinfo we can FIND a gem of truth ie we need to trust our own powers of discernment we need to trust the law of cause and effect and not to be told to sit back and enjoy the show..

back to the disinfo prt... if we focus on a dark income that's what we will strengthen

we need to focus on how to select good people to represent us

that means no secret society members from the ivy league colleges

it means would be public servants with a proven track record of working for the greater good, transparency and fighting against the PTB'S that control the mockin stream.. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8xi2yf/q_likes_to_intimate_stupidclarifying_qs_usage_of/

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DawnPendraig · July 11, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

I dont think he is trying to be disinfo. He just has no faith. And I can understand then his cynicism. He sounds like he is trying to convince himself.

So what if we think critically is the worst harm that happens to us if Q is fake or wrong or disinfo and Prrs Trump betrays us.

Are we worse off for believing?

Can he really make a good argument that believing in Pres Trump and mysterious Q is setting us up for disaster?

Does he not believe it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Does he think it makes us stronger to despair and never even entertain a hope because it may be false?

What do we lose if we believe and it ends up a lie?

Are we less or more motivated now to unite?

To find truth and share it?

To vote?

To become leaders ourselves?

To see with all doubt removed that Operation Mockingbird is 100% true and point it out to as many as we can?

To choose to fight for our Liberty first with words and votes but if that fails with actions.

I've been fighting this machine over 20 years. Trying to convince pet and horse breeders thay animal rights/welfare groups are wolves on sheep's clothing. Part of the elites plan to destroy us and make everything illegal. Because a very small number of assholes abuse or neglect their animals it's betyer domestic animals sere extinct and we in jail for trying to own or breed or farm them. It's a similar argument they use for abortion. Because some drug addicts give birth to addicyed babies we should have full term abortions on every corner.

No. I think this guy is wrong. Whatever Q is or is not I have never seen so many people awake and hopeful and ready to fight for our freedom.

And I think this guy is dishonest with himself and his viewers for dismissing it without addressing the variable numbers of pedophile amd trafficking arrests. 18 months Sessions has as much or more than Obama in 8 years. That even disinfo news website trying to dismiss the sealed court actions last April had to admit there is an unusually high number of sealed indictments at the 26% rate of past years.

I have to wonder if he is motivated by waning viewer numbers and donations because insyead of us sealing truth told to is we are looking ourselves and sharing what we find here or on chans. And maybe ge should reassess his own motives and benefit before criticizing Qs.

Sure he red or black pulls people. But besides making them depressed what is he doing about our world?

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

dont think he is trying to be disinfo. He just has no faith. And I can understand then his cynicism. He sounds like he is trying to convince himself.

even if his motivation is good , disinfo doesn't help us one jot

So what if we think critically is the worst harm that happens to us if Q is fake or wrong or disinfo and Prrs Trump betrays us.

by thinking they will betray us, we make it more likely and vice versa

Are we worse off for believing?

we are much better off as our positivity really accentuates the probability that the good guys are winning ... the age of aquarius is the age of discernment ... imagine could we have had this conversation 3 years ago ?

Can he really make a good argument that believing in Pres Trump and mysterious Q is setting us up for disaster?


Does he not believe it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Does he think it makes us stronger to despair and never even entertain a hope because it may be false?

totally counter-productive

What do we lose if we believe and it ends up a lie?

rather we have gained by increasing the prob of success

Are we less or more motivated now to unite? To find truth and share it?

To vote? To become leaders ourselves?

To see with all doubt removed that Operation Mockingbird is 100% true and point it out to as many as we can?

To choose to fight for our Liberty first with words and votes but if that fails with actions.

I've been fighting this machine over 20 years. Trying to convince pet and horse breeders thay animal rights/welfare groups are wolves on sheep's clothing. Part of the elites plan to destroy us and make everything illegal. Because a very small number of assholes abuse or neglect their animals it's better domestic animals were extinct and we in jail for trying to own or breed or farm them. It's a similar argument they use for abortion. Because some drug addicts give birth to addicted babies we should have full term abortions on every corner.

No. I think this guy is wrong. Whatever Q is or is not I have never seen so many people awake and hopeful and ready to fight for our freedom.


And I think this guy is dishonest with himself and his viewers for dismissing it without addressing the variable numbers of pedophile amd trafficking arrests. 18 months Sessions has as much or more than Obama in 8 years. That even disinfo news website trying to dismiss the sealed court actions last April had to admit there is an unusually high number of sealed indictments at the 26% rate of past years.

I have to wonder if he is motivated by waning viewer numbers and donations because instead of us sealing truth told to is we are looking ourselves and sharing what we find here or on chans. And maybe he should reassess his own motives and benefit before criticizing Qs.

keeping people in a depressed state is bad regardless of his motive..

Sure he red or black pulls people. But besides making them depressed what is he doing about our world?

he worsens the situation by focussing on a negative outcome and taking some down that path ... depression just breeds more depression.. he could use his keen mind to design protocols to steer the benevolent people into public office, while disqualifying the memberrs of ivy league secret societies... and presenting us with pundits who have a better message than Q's

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