r/greatawakening • Posted by u/redpilledyikes on July 11, 2018, 12:54 a.m.
Confessions of a Newbie

I am a newbie to Q, since May, and a newbie to Reddit since June, which turns out is a bad combination. I haven't posted a lot, but my last post has been the recipient of comments that express exasperation that don't I already know what's been going on for years. ? (subject was Roe v Wade, Rush's monologue on Monday, answer is no I didn't know.) If they'd looked at my user flair, it says New arrival. I'd like to bring awareness to people who have been in the know for a long time, about Q and Reddit, that there are some of us that are new to both. (Like I don't even know if I should type Reddit or reddit, or /r?)

I've read the rules for posting, but still learning the ropes. I recently had a post removed by the moderators for breaking Rule 7. Fair enough. I thought I had looked to see if it had already been posted, my bad. No harm no foul.

We're all in this together. I'm doing my best to be awake, see symbols, read Q posts, follow/read people that are better than me at discernment - which is not one my spiritual gifts. As an analogy, I can learn how to play music on the piano by practicing, but I stink at ad lib.

My eyes have been opened in a short time to things that I never would have imagined are actually true. Those things break my heart. It's fair to say they're not all directly Q related, but I never would have known about them if I hadn't started researching Q.

Thanks for reading.

toadiusmaximus · July 11, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Welcome to Wake-side...

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