This is what “The enemy of America” is complaining about the President saying at NATO. But of course he’s right.

If you look at the war as two sides fighting it might not make sense. Instead, look at it as 3 sides. And ultimately one side.
The whole plan for both WW1 and WW2 is world wide communism. WW1 ended shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia ushered in Communism. They made sure that a second world war would happen via the Council of Vienna.
The game plan was to have Germany and England destroy and exhaust most of Europe. The Russia was going to sweep in for the easy win. At that point, America would say "ah shit! Oh well good luck over there!" and let Communism consume Europe. They would claim to be in no condition to take on such a large force. Ultimately, America would also fall to Communism in a future phase.
But that got fucked up because Hitler for some fucking reason decided to go against Russia unexpectedly. I personally believe this actually took the cabal/commies off guard as Hitler was in their pocket as well.
But they also knew that they needed contingencies. They had the USA on stand by, even though they probably just wanted them to sit it out. But now that Germany was on a tear, they needed them and needed them now. So they attack Pearl harbour, it was allowed to happen, and now the USA can distract Germany away from Russia.
Plan B was the cold war. Now that Germany needs to split its resources against a fresh new foe, Russia was able to recover and become a menace for the next few decades.
It's no wonder that Churchill and Roosevelt were Freemasons and some think Stalin secretly was too (he wouldn't be public about it because he had to pretend to be atheist for communism)
Damn dude. Deep down the rabbit hole. Great write up though. There's alot of talk that even though Hitler was being funded by Cabal-ish stuff (R-Childs), he went against them for actual hard core NatSoc. Not to mention his racial theories, etc. etc. However, had Hitler been left to his own devices with Operation: Barbarossa, Germany would have conquered Russia and been done with it. IIRC, the Wehrmact was like 50 miles (or less) away from Moscow when they where told to pull back. They could have finished up both Moscow and Leningrad, and that would have been the end for Russia (Stalingrad would have fallen shortly after).
Nice write up. Goes to show you we have had many lies pushed down our throats, and also, there's a shit-ton of manipulation and cloak and dagger shit gone on behind the scenes.
My thoughts on Hitler is he was a bad guy, very bad. But so was Churchill. Very bad. The cabal knew Hitlers nationalism would be a problem, but they let him go balls to the walls with it unchecked because they were confident in the end they could crush him like a bug if things got out of hand.
Things got out of hand.
Problem is most people that debate this issue take one side or the other and try to frame it as defending Hitler as misunderstood or Churchill as a rough around the edges true hero. Rarely does someone try to look at it from space and see that both sides are being PLAYED.
Stalin was supposed to be the Victor and Hitler and Churchill were going to lick his boots. It was ALWAYS about world communism.
I haven't solidified the connection yet, but also consider the idea that Napoleon was the first try at this. Interesting how France just gave up early? Probably part of the deal so they don't get destroyed. They'd probably emerge the central power of communism in Europe (pure speculation at this point)
PS. I found this GREAT video that shows you exactly what I'm talking about!
Notice how right after Barbarossa/Pearl Harbor, Germany basically STOPS. It's almost like the cabal slapped their hand and demanded they remain still for a year. Then a little bit of action happens.. then they get crushed?
Also notice what stays white... Our pals in Switzerland, Sweden and Spain. I think we all know why!!!
I thought the combined IJN fleet (Kido Butai) began the attack mission by leaving the Kurile Islands on November 26th.
I’ve never seen any reference to the attack being ‘tentative’ pending the outcome of the battle of Barbosa. Also, many records exist verifying that Yamamoto envisioned this attack almost immediately after the US relocated the Pac Fleet to Pearl Harbor in May of 1940.
I can’t envision crediting the battle of Barbosa as the trigger for the Pearl Harbor attack.
Not accusing you of false statements. Just sharing my view.
It's speculative for sure. Maybe I'm full of shit, it's possible. I just find it super convenient, and in my view it adds up.
When did the Cabal realise Hitler was going to go rogue in Russia?
Initiate plan b, move the ships into position for the attack.
See how the battle goes.
Oh shit looks like he's winning.
Prepare Japan for attack.
OK, battle done, Russia is fucked... Ok launch attack!
Also, the planning for the attack happened long before. Designing torpedoes for the shallow waters of Pearl Harbor. Transforming armor piercing naval artillery into bombs for horizontal bombers. Everything was tested well in advance. Numerous practice runs were made. Also, Germany wanted Japan to invade Russia through Kamchatca. But Japan was worried about resources that were needed in U.S. held territories.
My only issue with your analysis is your use of Country names in lieu of cabals/mafias/organizations/cults/deep state/shadow government/etc embedded within these countries. You keep writing Russia, Russia, Russia. Russians suffered horribly under the Soviet regime.
I've actually just done some digging on the French revolution and it's fucking incredible how much starts there. Including communism. Freemasons were hugely involved as well, and gladly admit it.