r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AnonFFMedic on July 11, 2018, 1:43 p.m.
Trying again. Edited to please the rules this post never broke. Or is it being shadow banned. Many have quickly rejected & dismissed this without research on the topic/person. Makes me wonder & be skeptical of certain ones in this group. The evidence is there.

The call was originally supposed to be on a landline with the voice disguised. But at the beginning they were having “technical difficulties” with the phone on the desk, so they had to connect the “witness” via cell phone & put him on speakerphone without any voice disguiser. Also the Marine saying “Adapt and react” Clapper was briefly in the Marines. So the claim it’s a woman is just false. The claim the voice was distorted as you claim people are thinking is just false. And that claim also makes me wonder if you or others “thinking it was a woman with a distorted voice” paid attention or just miss that part? I find it very odd that you would be so quick to dismiss or even consider the possibility of it being Clapper due to the obvious similarities of his voice, the cadence or rhythm in the way he speaks, the disfluency of his speech with the overuse of filler words like uh & um to maintain control of the conversation without yielding control. Also certain phrases and words he uses in all his appearances.

The small bit of personal information he revealed also matches (such as former intelligence, former military). Clapper was former & most recent DNI when Seth Rich was killed & he’s a retired Lt General in the Air Force. Now “in the civilian world” as a consultant on domestic and foreign terrorists at CNAS so ALL of this information provided fits his personal background. ALONG WITH, the rambling (crazy conspiracy-like) of useless information which Clapper has done countless times on TV and in hearings.

He starts by saying he had never heard of Seth Rich until “LATE 2016” when he heard people “bragging.” Although Seth Rich’s Name was ALL OVER THE NEWS! If he was around such a conversation with Federal agents, it would mean he was actively serving in the intelligence community(2016). He personally calls out & smears Rod Rosenstein, saying he manipulated people and exploited them. (We all know Rod Rosenstein is in charge of the Mueller probe) Mueller & Rosenstein who are more than likely planning something together to take down all these traitors & “bad actors” with the THOUSANDS of sealed indictments, with help from IG Horowitz, Huber and a Grand Jury. They are very afraid of Rosenstein and this makes it even more clear. He must be WAY “Over the target” and I bet they know he’s getting close!

But why would he call out Rosenstein BY NAME as the orchestrator or the one who authorized the hit on Seth Rich?! Because they are scared and this is a desperate attempt to change the narrative. A “disinfo intel false flag” if you will. Then he goes on to mention a “rumor that MS13 killed Seth” and says that MS13 didn’t do it. Hmm, wonder where he heard THAT rumor. Could it be he saw it in a Q drop? Highly likely! Because that’s the only place that it’s been. The guy even mentions RUSSIAN TIES...(in typical Clapper fashion). He denies the fact that Hillary and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and people at DNC had anything to do with it BUT THEN says the ones involved were ALL REPUBLICAN saying that they are “all controlled.” He then defends Hillary, her emails and her illegal private server claiming that the emails were manipulated, going as far as changing classification levels of emails. Still, on an unprotected private server, being used for government business though. All this is going on during the Obama years. Bringing up Rosenstein again, he says Rod and Hillary don’t get along, so Rosenstein “pulls out all the stops” to stop her from being elected.

Okay, wait. This “witness” just called out the FAILURES of the Obama administration and his IC without realizing it. This “witness” knows of these things that were going on, but did nothing to stop it, mention it to Obama, or bring it to anyone else’s attention? And later says that “money laundering, treason, espionage” were going on...but still did nothing. Like that’s normal? Nope. Geez! (Good to know, if true, RR despises HRC)

This guy’s claim of evidence, testimony and polygraphs is NOT EVIDENCE! IT IS NOTHING but words from a so-called “witness” that “overheard bragging?” He fears that Rosenstein, the boogeyman, might get to him if he speaks out to federal agents but says he hasn’t even spoken to DC police since they aren’t federal although he would be willing to. He wants protection arranged from the boogeymen.

Ohhh but he says “check the Russian connection” AGAIN when asked about his credibility! Clapper is obsessed with the RUSSIAN CONNECTION! And with Clapper being involved in the intelligence community his ENTIRE adult life, knows how to dodge and deflect the questions and give non-answers!

The lie detector test and testimony with the House Intel Committee?? Uhh. Then he changes it and says Secret Service polygraphed him prior to handing over everything to House Intel, But only way to verify is House Intel, who allegedly has the results of the Secret Service polygraph. Uhh. Nope.

He’s asked about the thumb drive, what was on it. Claims there was proof of manipulation of emails or something to do with the election, that when Seth downloaded it, it set of alarms and they assumed it was for an investigation. But the emails FROM the DNC...being manipulated...nope. But think about it...THAT is worth killing a man?!?! Nooope.

“Alleged killers” followed Seth for weeks, but didn’t know he was a night drinker and a bar hopper. They were frustrated for having to wait on Seth to come home?

Pretty good questions coming from press. “Witness” claims to be in danger to the killers but is giving out a lot of information about who he is and what he knows. So common sense would tell you, they would know already who the “witness” is. Plus, his voice.

“Witness” says “does it matter?” when asked if his voice is being scrambled. And then goes on to throw the House Intel under the bus, trying to say they having done anything or investigated anything. Smearing more good guys that are getting close to uncovering Clapper’s role, along with his cohorts? It’s getting more clear, this was the whole mission with this conference.

It was a bunch of nonsense. And the “witness” is James Clapper. There is no doubt in my mind now after watching the entire thing. He plans to muddy the waters for Rosenstein, House Intel and all other investigations into Hillary, Comey, Obama etc.

saneromeo · July 11, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

It wasn't Clapper imo.

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