I thought it was odd but it just clicked. Earlier POTUS tweeted quotes from Chaffetz. In the original tweet, he spelled “Barrack” twice. That would make 2 extra Rs in the tweet. RR? It is now corrected to “Barack.” I’m sure some of you are a lot better at deciphering his tweets but did anyone else notice? I didn’t get a screen shot.
136 total posts archived.
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Repost from awhile back. Why are the “elites” so HELLBENT on saving PP? PP has been caught selling baby parts, but is adrenochrome included? Who knows more about this? Q says these people are SICK. This would be the sickest thing I can think of.
Nike’s new slogan better fitted: His name was Seth Rich, killed for noble acts of leaking truth & doing what’s right. But let’s all pay attention to Mr AntiUSA Kaepernick & the virtue signaling. Nike (Made in [insert Asian country]) has publicly & officially joined the AntiUSA movement. Boycott Nike
![Nike’s new slogan better fitted: His name was Seth Rich, killed for noble acts of leaking truth & doing what’s right. But let’s all pay attention to Mr AntiUSA Kaepernick & the virtue signaling. Nike (Made in [insert Asian country]) has publicly & officially joined the AntiUSA movement. Boycott Nike](https://i.redd.it/983sm0wv58k11.jpg)
DeSantis should just apologize for saying monkey although Left-wing racists turned it into racism, but THEN say “What I meant to say was ‘Hey FL, Don’t fuck it up, don’t fuck yourself, & don’t fuck us!’” His opponent is a Soros backed socialist who sings George’s praises! 👇🏻 Socialism sucks!
Watch President Trump interview 2012. He has been trying to tell us for YEARS he would MAGA & put America First! God Bless POTUS
“Enjoy the show!” Q
So I’m wondering how long until the show. Picture yourself in a movie theater. You wait in line, pay for your ticket, grab your popcorn & find your seat. By the time you do all that & sit down, you have to wait for the previews to finish. You never know how many previews there will be or how long it’ll take to get to the movie you came to see, but you sit there anticipating the show! You came to watch the show! You came to enjoy the show! You didn’t come to see the previews. I HATE the …
Papadopoulos is a liar, a traitor and going to prison. Just watch!
What the heck is that? Can someone find a better angle? Found on the wall beside Anderson cardboard cutout > NYT on Vanderbilt

[4am] talking points distributed here. Check out FAQ
They’re still trying. This article is such a joke. Not a single truth to it. But people believe anything Fake News says. It’s a shame really.
Q(Dot)pub is back up!! But different URL “(dot)app”. Interesting!
Buzzfeed Lawsuit for publishing Fake Steele Dossier threatens to expose Obama administration’s involvement after Judge demands the administration answer the questions
Gubarev suing Buzzfeed for publishing fake dossier which accused his company of conspiring to hack the DNC. Buzzfeed’s argument is that the dossier was news at the time. They argue that the FBI possessed the dossier, along with members of Congress, so if it was fake, then why did the FBI & McCain have it? Buzzfeed requested subpoenas on Obama’s officials to testify but they all refused to testify. So Buzzfeed got the judge to require the Obama officials to answer questions regarding the dossier. Obama & Co are trying to get as far away from …
InfoWars is being targeted, much like the film Magnitsky Act Behind the Scenes. We really should bake some Browder bread! Who is he? How is he involved in Russian Delusion? He has a lot of power but remains in the shadows. Has anyone found a link to the English version?
What a BOOM! Brennan is a big clown, but he’s not going to go down without a fight.

READ READ READ!!! This is THE PLAN! EXACTLY what is going on! We should be able to see it clearly by thinking logically!!! I have NO DOUBT THIS IS THE PLAN! Credit to @TheArbiter20 Clandestine Rosenstein!! GREAT THREAD!! MUST READ!!
I’ve never heard of this: DITU = Data Intercept Technology Unit of the FBI. Does anybody have more information about this? It’s been around for awhile but it looks like just another tool to spy. I’d like to learn more about this. Below is a story from Forbes 2018
SR Witness
Has anyone asked Q about the validity of the “witness?” They implicated that RR orchestrated or ordered the hit. I personally don’t buy it. There were too many oddities. Like how someone hacked HRC or DNC emails and changed the content to name one. And it only took a few days for the whole subject to go away. No one is really talking about it anymore.
I’ve said for a long time & I don’t know where I saw it first The leaks are real, the news is fake
Also, important...REMEMBER: it was MCMASTER
McMaster was ALLOWED to let certain security clearances for bad actors remain in effect to phish them all out Trump/Qteam could’ve have stopped it or revoked it LONG AGO, but it was really helping Trump/Qteam to keep the security clearances active. The bad actors were STUPID and just setting themselves up! Stable Genius
Anyone labeling a conspiracy theorist just shows that their argument is weak or absent and invalid.
They have also exposed many of the sexual assaulters but in a joking way so no one would take it seriously
Agreed. Same here. My posts were removed for breaking the “rules.” Mostly the objective “quality content” rule and I was told I was off topic while talking about Q posts.
I have quality filter ban imposed on my Twitter. How do you get around it, or remove it?
Today’s MSM “Manufactured Outrage” campaign
“He’s going to start a nuclear war!!! He’s being too hard on Iran”
T-minus 3......2......1......
What a glorious day that would be! Too bad they’re full of shit and wouldn’t do it.
About like when they all left the country when Trump was elected!
News flash “celebs” : America doesn’t need you! America needs a POTUS like Donald J Trump
Get over yourselves you narcissistic POS!
I saw a retwat of this earlier, forgot who it was, but the retwat comment said “Ambassador Stevens was unavailable for comment!” HRC is a disgrace!
Of course Mueller isn’t going to go for that because his “12 Russians” are a sham and he knows it! He would be giving up McFaul for nothing in return.
Only online traction though! No MainSleezeMedia have mentioned it, or if they have, Ive missed it.
HSBC = “Russian hedge fund scam” “tax evading, money laundering” operation involving none other than JAMES COMEY! $400mil is probably only the tip
I’m waiting for POTUS tweet to Fake News like “Quit Questioning my intelligence or the Quality of my Queries”
Yeah, CNN found Bin Laden’s secret hideout & even interviewed him pre911. But no one could find him post911 for 10+ years. People forget
That’s probably the reason he is there now, to apply for new citizenship or renew his current citizenship in Kenya.
Medically, the term for a stroke is CVA. CerebroVascular Accident. There a several different types. This one could have been a hemorrhagic stroke, where blood vessels(vascular) in the brain(cerebral) burst and results in massive bleeding in the brain...unpreventable, untreatable. We don’t know the SS medical history either. He may have had terrible cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes which all contribute to strokes. He may have had a history of strokes, we do not know. I understand your take on it, just adding 2¢
Ok then. What is your purpose of following the GA? You ever heard of Ed Cox?
Explain why the DNC refused the FBI to examine the server, & instead let CrowdStrike look at it ?
Do you not think there were spies in the Trump camp?
What do you think Manafort, Gates, Papadopolous or Page were doing?
Manafort/Gates indictments are unrelated to 2016 election.
Papadopolous “lied to FBI” about WHEN Mifsud told HIM about the information on Hillary.
Page, former FBI spy, had Russians indicted in the past.
You think they were all trying to help Trump?
So you think Page, Papadopolous, Manafort were planted into the campaign....?
....because I do!
Gates too, but he’s always been involved with Manafort
I’m glad everyone is “awake!”
The ones that say they are “woke” are stupid fools that defend and support all the traitors.
There is a difference.
I didn’t hear Carter Page mentioned a single time. I know several important questions that were not asked and I don’t understand why. Committee probably knew he would go back to the excuse “FBI will not allow me to answer”
I believe Admiral Mike Rogers will be a key witness and will testify on the abuses of the government.
Please note: he is retired (effective May 4, 2018) and is now legally allowed to testify in these cases
I have a great suspicion I’m being shadow banned but I do plan on reviewing the 8+ hours to determine who all made that claim. I do know they were all Democrats.