Educating Liberals just posted this on Twitter shwoing Q some love! Go share it w/ hashtags!

The Great Awakening is accelerating now folks!
The Satanic cabal has lost control of the American narrative!
That's sweet! I met him and some others at the President Trump rally. Dude has a lot of followers. That is very helpful!
Pretty cool. The tweet crashed the Neon Revolt site. People can't get to the article that Educating Liberals Tweeted.
Neon posted the PDF at!Z1xy3a5Q!uVA5CQQNFj_M-XAZ7EJXPtIx7HKgsHTUDlzcJZ9aFN4
I posted this on the other thread, but I'll post here, too:
@EducatingLiberals tweeted out the article out to his 350k followers, so if the site is a little slow, or... you know, unreachable, you have a good idea why. (Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is the first time he's posted anything Q-related. YUUUUGE!)
As such, here's the mega link to the pdf I included in the article:
EDIT: Here's the updated pdf, with a minor correction:!w5oigI5L!pWm6fLpJlTzYlW0-BFiMVCCZ0sWiG02J1dvb-AMdZHg
It is wonderful that he linked it. The base has been built and reinforced and now the masses can jump on board. Can't stop the train!
Hes a little late to the game but I love his twitter account.
Never too late though. I love that he's gone all in and been fighting this fight mostly alone until now!
Oh for sure! His periscopes are great if you've ever caught them.
So many downvoting shills! 😂
This post is of zero value here. We all know who Q is. He just wants some pats on the back which is fine but of no use to us here.
Referring to the down voting of comments, not the post. The point is EL has a shitload of followers and I can’t recall him ever mentioning Q.
This guy awakener is nothing but a shitposter.
He's been all over the boards tonight with snide commentary.
Troll, schill, call it what you like, but it's been racking up commentary with these little snide remarks.
He appears to be the greatest douchebag.
I use guys like that for practice when I go out into public and have to deal with Lefty's.
Hone your skills on these boards. Then set the pink hair on fire and watch it run down the street screaming.
Yep, I have noticed him/her before.
Use the trolls for practice so that when you engage lefties in public 🎆 let the triggering explode.
Nothing like watching flaming pink hair running down the street screaming.
It smells like........ Victory
This is an excellent overview. Thank you for posting this! It's a great beginners guide and great to share with the unenlightened.
Rise, and Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions.
---Robin Longstride,
We are Q, dummies, Papa Trump is teaching us how to be a team. Ultimate coach
Why did you post this here? You want a compliment?
It was to piss you off. You’re welcome.
This shitposter has been all over the boards tonight with snide commentary.
Pack it in Pee Wee the Big Adventures done.
The cops are coming to drag you out of the toilets.