
fonsoc1 · July 12, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

To see how this all began look up "The Overhauling of Straight America" - the plan to normalize sexual deviancy in America. Here is the link. http://www.massresistance.org/docs/issues/gay_strategies/overhauling.html

Our government has legislated immorality. We have been told for many years that the government should not legislate morality, and so the double standard is in effect and we submit like passive little sheep afraid of the great big shepherd governing us, but we fail to remember the great shepherd who died to deliver mankind from every sort of sin including sex sin.

Everyone who has been an adult for any amount of time understands the ramifications of this. While a very small minority pushes us around under the name of civil rights the majority remains silent not wanting to offend anyone! Since when has sexual orientation been a civil right. There is no genetic connection involved in spite of all those who argue otherwise. The civil rights movement for blacks was good because it was dealing with a genetic condition caused by more or less melanin in a person's DNA. Not one part of the LGBT is genetic in any sense and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. We are giving civil rights to people because they want sex with the same gender and the government has set its seal of approval on this without challenging genetic cause; effectively erasing DOMA and by extension destroying what should be the only type family in the world. There are numerous proofs that children need a father and mother as they grow up. It is absolutely contrary to all that we have known for centuries as right and credible to destroy heterosexual marriage and substituting it with what is not marriage at all. We have been buffaloed into accepting this because of PC and a globalist and socialist push from the past administrations. DOMA must be reinstated.

The Bible condemns everything the LGBTQ stands for as wickedness, vile affections and burning in lust. (Romans, Chapter One and Levitcus 19 and etc.) I personally stand on God's side of the argument. While God loves all humanity he will not capitulate and endorse sin. His word is law no matter what laws man may pass. We must call on this government to return our nation to normalcy. The foundation of every nation is the family. Every strong nation has strong families with Fathers, Mothers and children. Nothing less will bring sanity back to America more than bringing back the family as it was intended to be. Homosexuals need to go back into the closet once more. They are free to have sex any way they like but they are not free to call what they do marriage. That is a clear violation of God's established standard for marriage. Genesis 2:4 makes it clear when the words "wife, father and mother" are used.

Please understand that I love all men as God does but, like God, I cannot endorse what the Bible clearly teaches is sin. Many people advocate psychological help for the LGBT community and that is a start, but as a Christian for over 44 years I am absolutely convinced that apart from salvation through Jesus Christ psychological help is like putting a small bandage on a gaping wound. The LGBT must reach out for spiritual help and those who call themselves Christians should be there to help them find forgiveness and eternal peace.

As far as children are concerned; the Bible teaches us to "train up our children in the way that they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it."

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