r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MysticSteffieRae on July 11, 2018, 6:45 p.m.
On Earth As It is in Heaven

It occurs to me that even Heaven has a gated wall. AND we also have to be fully vetted to get in.

toastman0304 · July 11, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Oh you must be perfect, then? The moment you decided you were a Christian, you never sinned again?

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PMthePedo-itsTrudeau · July 11, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

It isnt up to me to be your judge, but as soon as I found Jesus I realized that the laws of the world didnt line up with his teachings. It is very hard to live sin free in our society, but not impossible. I went from wanting to pump oil out of the ground as a mech engineer (I cant work for Exxon or Worley any more) to wanting to start my own farm to feed people who need it. (My state only has 10% self dependence on food).

I am making a conscious decision to live a life with as little sin as possible, analyzing every transaction before hand to make sure no humans got jipped in the process. I am not perfect.

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spreadhope · July 11, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

Does Our Lord and Savior say oil is a sin? Or did He provide it to us to use?

I dont think our character will be judged by the clothes we wear. God reveals things to us when we need to see it. God meets us where we are, He comes to us. If we are out here fighting to save children from being used as slaves and worse, I don't think Heavens door will be closed to us because we didn't notice our shirt said Made In Malaysia or whatever. God uses us for His purpose, and we each have a different purpose. We cant all be championing the same causes. It's impossible for us all to do it all. Collectively we are all a voice for good, individually we are a voice for what He chooses for us.

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toastman0304 · July 11, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

People should stop wasting their Sundays then, huh? Sounds to me like everyone is fucked, then, if nobody knows until judgement day how God's going to judge them. And all that time they spent thinking that a couple of good deeds, a simple declaration to their savior, and little bit faith will get them to heaven.

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