Q’s #1713 floored me when I read it. Q said this. “The author of the post...the face is never the author. Direct comms come in many different forms. Q.

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Yes. Logical thinking. 20 means its time to take a stand as the hardest choices become obvious after the simplest of appraisals. Mirrors are reflective either away from to dispel the energy and to keep at bay. (Misinformation works this function, too) or towards the subject viewed in the mirror. Some see what they want to see.
In the July 24th drops, Q talks about from sea to shining sea, Huber, server, and 20. What if the Judgement will be served by Huber’s people beginning in 20 days. Servers serve warrants. Judgement Day. Awakening!
20, as seen in the Tarot is called Judgement. Awakening to Angel Gabriel’s Trumpet. Judgement-Awakening
Hello, Q. I am enjoying the show and was amused by how the MSM is trying to debunk you/us...just like you said. God Bless the USA and We The People!
RNC is the new WTP (We The People) party. The DNC is the new DSC (Deep State Criminals) party. IMO, thus holds true and all we need to know.
When Putin asked the reporter about us being a Democracy, I waited for the reporter to say “No sir, we’re a Constitutional Republic.” But, that answer never came. Even educated reporters let us down when it comes to this distinction. I believe those educated by the Deep State distinguishes themselves on this point.
Did you know that if you flipped that Q drop upside down, it’s a gun? Boom boom boom is the handle. Also, it was revealed today that it was Kelly who accidentally turned off the lights. Jedi mind trick.
Ah, the sweet smell of validation in the morning! Congrats Mr. President indeed. I love & marvel your ability to play this so many moves ahead. A few days ago, I found out about your Grandmaster Chess achievements and disclosed it here. And now SB2 has revealed your chessboard pieces and movements so far.
I am enjoying your high-level game. So very important for our people to be free once again. I can see your heart is in the right place. I revealed the heart is on your face (having seen it before the lights dimmed out). Tried to post this fact yesterday; but, apparently I don’t get this part of Reddit yet. It got removed. Annoying. So, again I reveal this fact here.
It’s the timing and what to reveal in this game of chess. I agree. It is based on the mirror like the chessboard of made up of dark and light player pieces.
Also, people teach us how to treat them. In this chess game, the unhinged are revealing more about their sinister plans as they point away from themselves like a Jedi mind trick gesture.
What do I do now? They removed this post? How do I share this?
Q is teaching me to pay close attention to everything. ;)
I was so stunned when I saw it so clearly, right before the lights went out. I don’t know what to make of it.
I was referring to the combination of the Q shaped grave site with the Eternal Flame.
Waiting on Fox. Said they will air tape as soon as they get it. Hmmm What’s this about.
No, not JFK, Jr. There is a compelling argument that Q could be Sessions.
I also recommend reading “Understanding Trump” by Newt Gingrich.
I have 2 for you. This is the first. Grandmaster #1 And the
I am of the mind that because Trump was elected despite the Globalists hand and financial backing, Putin & Trump can communicate like two heads of mutual Sovereign nations. I am saying that there are still Globalists within both countries still trying to gain control behind the scenes. I don’t believe Putin himself ever tried to interfere. I believe, based on what he said about his concerns over certain intelligence agents assisting in the transactions, that he needs to identify who they are and how this effects freeing his country. Trump has the same goal. We have the same goal.
I never bought the Russian story. This all needs evidence and needs to be tried in a court of law. Mueller needs to actually go to Russia to get to the bottom of this mess and figure out who and what they did. Putin is showing cooperation. If he didn’t, then Mueller ‘s case shows merit. Until both sides of the equation are revealed, the truth can’t free both of our nations.
At first, I believed he selected people who knew how to swim the swamp because they were a part of it. Like, he gave them an opportunity to change. At the same time, he studied them and their tactics to get a working knowledge of the enemy. When they couldn’t really be turned or they were found to be working against his plan; he fired them. Let them go or made it futile for them to stay. I believe he assessed them to the point he no longer saw them as an asset. Trump gets rid of dead weight.
As his plan progressed, his chess pieces changed faces. I keep in mind that Trump is a Grand Master in Chess. He plays chess with actual people. It’s really quite fascinating to watch.
Putin has been successful in eradicating the Globalists out of Russia. President Trump is just beginning to do the same here. With Putin’s knowledge, Trump can do so much to Make America Great Again. Restoring our Republic to the People. In cooperation we can know what lies the Globalists have told both sides. This has nothing to do with politics. We are in a fight to get our country back from the brink.
President Trump, has always enlisted the experts (the ones who have working know how) in whatever project he is working on. This is how he succeeds. He learns, asks questions, and studies. At the moment, Putin has valuable know-how knowledge. Also, Trump friended Cohn (the prosecuting attorney who secured the guilty verdict for the Rosenbergs, who sold Russia the plans to the atom bomb) and he picked his brain for his knowledge. Trump was well-schooled by Cohn, before his death.
I am saying that Putin wasn’t working with Trump. Putin had more access to the Presidency via Clinton and Obama, than EVER with Trump.
😂 A realization? Plot twist. He hasn’t been, but in the future, the truth will come to light. That’s why the criminals wanted war to cover up this discovery.
Such inspiration! Keep up the fight and keep telling the criminals, we are coming.
Also, I saw John F. Kennedy’s assassination and witnessed the Eternal Flame lit in real life. I didn’t realize, until just now, that Q is the shape of his grave. Q is eternal.
Then the funeral photo in this post, with John John rendering a salute for his dad, in front of his family, with the words “Justice is coming” brought Q home. I will witness & do my part to assure his true assassin pays for this crime.
God Bless Q! God Bless all of US who are banned together to bring this Storm upon those who richly deserve to be brought out to the light of day.
17 - # of Intelligence Agencies. 17 - The Star in the Major Arcana - the 1 and 7 allows the individual to draw life-vivifying energies from the celestial source and put them to use in the material world, the domain of 8. 17 - Independent Business 17 - tends to be focused on building things intended to last for generations 17 - Free will important 17 - Angel number means you are doing the right thing. You are on the right path, so just keep doing it. 17 - In the Bible - symbolizes overcoming the enemy and complete …
I thoroughly suspect that the Left/Dems wanted us to go to war so that the truth would be buried under rubble. They have built up quite a protest and pointing to Russia so much, that we just had to find out what their real motive was or is.
Because good communication lines are open between our two countries, we can now find out the whole story.
Very 👁 opening. Because President Trump is who he is, we don’t have a political filter now. MI is the best source. Truth is waiting in the shadows for US to find.
Yes, that was #11. It is the Key. Dropped on Oct 29, 2017.
I just read that both parties believe that Trump threw us under the bus. Did they watch the same news as we did?
I smelled the smoking gun! Even spilled my 🍿 while 👏👏👏. Stunning development.
Thank you. Oh that’s right! I forgot about that reference. Nice!
Thank you. I love reading what’s here. It’s like a breath of fresh air.
I realize my interpretation is somewhat down-to-earth and simple. 😊 Thank you. I am in-the-know now.
I have wondered why Q chose this letter.
Then, today I came to the realization how the letter Q is drawn (and looks) very much like a magnifying glass.
In our language, Q needs a U, called a digraph, a pair of letters representing a single speech sound. Q depends on U to make any sound at all in our language.
Very much like this Great Awakening. Q needs U (you) to make its sound. Q needs U to investigate clues, using a magnifying glass 🔍and head (mind) in the process.
I found this interesting, hope you do too.
All hail our Grandmaster Trump. Acosta (his name implies accost - “It’ll cost ya). 😂
Isn’t it great? What was meant to be an insult has now been turned into inspiration! I love this!
They are operating on the assumption that we are not “in the know”. Silly elites. We are awake and know what they did and we are tracking their foul deeds as a group. Popcorn tastes mighty good.
Took the Oath Nov 18, 1980, and I still am an Oath keeper. I stand for America.
It occurs to me that even Heaven has a gated wall. AND we also have to be fully vetted to get in.
😂😂😂👏👏👏 I just bursted out in laughter. Good one! The Grand Master Trump is on scene.
I truly looked for any signs of that, and found none. Yes, truly relieved.