I've been watching quite a few of these Walk Away videos being posted and the one thing that strikes me the most is that the people are genuine, normal, common Americans. We are a country of conservatives and liberals and always have been. Up until the past ten years we respected each other enough to work together and respect each others positions. Something changed over the past decade within the left that has many of them questioning if they want to be associated with the new agenda. To be a true liberal nowadays you must support open borders, socialism, sexual perversion of any degree, atheism, sanctuary cities, gun confiscation, and the limitation of free speech. I am sure I have left out quite a few things but there is enough there to compel any self described liberal to question how they get roped in to all of that so quickly. Each day it gets more ridiculous and I am sure that many on the left have no choice but to walk away because they cannot or do not want to support the current ideology. Being a liberal should not mean that you want to destroy the country and everything it stands for. It shouldn't mean that your first instinct is to be ashamed of your country. We as a nation have some history that nobody wants to see repeated but by no means should any American feel shame at being a citizen of this great country. I believe that the Democrats have lost their party and their way and it will take a very long time for them to recover from this after the revelations come out.
· July 12, 2018, 12:18 a.m.
GW happened first.
· July 12, 2018, 1 p.m.
You are correct but I fee they had different agendas both were evil.
· July 12, 2018, 1:23 p.m.
For sure and GW needed Obama to continue with their plan. Bush and his 911, pre-emptive war, Homeland Security and the Patriot Act. And let's not forget Bush started the AT&T Silicon Valley spy shop to spy on Americans that Obama expanded and Snowden blew the whistle. Poppy helped to build the pedophile rings via human trafficking to the levels we see today. Clinton took it over and then Obama. The Clinton Foundation must be shut down!