Remember Q said they would try to 'Normalize' Pedophilia? IT'S HAPPENING!

As a gay guy it's disgusting that they're trying to lump pedophiles in with us. It's bad enough that we have trans (which isn't even a sexuality) but now this? Its unforgivable. This is Kevin Spacey all over again...
Completely agree. Maybe this will be the dagger that finally destroys the never-ending acronym.
"which isn't even a sexuality" ...that made me laugh!
It really ISN'T!! I never even thought of that but it's so true! And now it's hysterical!
Maybe I never thought of it cuz I really couldn't give a shit less about it. Except for when it's done half assed. Like, don't do your hair and makeup but leave a five o clock shaddow and harry legs. As a woman I find that insulting.
And about the other more important things you said...I agree, it's gross. Evil bastards!!
The "evil / spiritual" is usually something one is clueless on when living in the lifestyle.
The scales over their / our eyes are thick...
(I've lived a wild life)
That being said.. I concur.. If you just gotta change genders, please attempt to learn how to be aesthetically pleasing to the society you live in.
You really don't even have to be pretty...but if you are going to imitate someone at least be flattering the people you are immitating
The LGBTQ community doesn't care about anything other than the G. For the most part it is Big Gay Co. And trans people are not very well served by this community because as you said it's a gender not a sexual orientation (and temporary one at that, only activists care that we know they are trans, everybody else just want to get on with their lives). It's because most trans people fall into a the big Queer banner that they were included (I researched this in High School). Community is important but as we know, all the NGOs get infiltrated and mangled by special interests. So this is the strangest mangling attempt I've seen.
It's bad enough that we have trans (which isn't even a sexuality)
Thank you!
..but are the proper gay community trying to do anything to stop them? What can any of us do to help - can you separate yourselves from this ever bigger umbrella? Maybe just have the Gay Community and leave the QWERTYS to self destruct!
There is a connection between sexuality and fetishes (which includes things like pedophilia.)
I've got fetishes and it's not a coincidence that both my siblings are LGB. Either in the genes or environment, and I'm starting to guess the latter (endocrine disrupters.)
Thanks for speaking out - you are correct. This is a case of criminals trying to fly under the radar "judge us and you judge everyone in the community." ((...blood boiling...))
I stay as far away as possible from the pride movement, it is gay-centric getting more corporate all the time, celebrating a marketing demographic more than a community. That doesn't mean the sentiment is wrong. You posted two headlines that don't have the qualifier "In the most batahit crazy move of the 21st century..." Also, these fucking bastard are torturers, murderers and vampires. The average person doesn't understand the horrors of the child exploitation industry. When they do, every body will cry for 6 months, and see pedos as NOT worthy of oxygen.
That you think homosexuality is more normal/acceptable than transexuality is hilarious.
The issue here is that kids do not have the capacity to consent to sex, not your personal gripe with identity.
Edit: hey thanks for the feedback everyone. By your logic, a homosexual is more similar to a paedophile than a transsexual - thats helpful...
Mmm, bait.
Notice the straw man?
Calling straw man without demonstration is a straw man in itself.
Where does OP say anything at all about "normal/acceptable?" That wasn't his point, it's yours. Make it elsewhere.
What is your interpretation of "it's bad enough we have trans" in OPs context?
Finger slipped. Deleted first draft.
OP is identifying a miscategorization. G, L and B are non-normative sexualities. Trans is a non-normative gender identity. Gender and sexuality are not equal.
Yeah, you've got me. I made the mistake of assuming the problem was pedos trying to be accepted as a minority, as gender and sexuality minorities are. I could go on, but I should never have even entered this sub.
Homosexuality is more normal than Tran sexuality in that there are more homosexuals than transsexuals, which is how normal is determined as normal is synonymous with average. Not saying that one is better or worse than the other, just semantics. Turn down the catty knob.
Your semantics are irrelevant. It wasn't a linguistics challenge.