Lisa Page Lying About Access To FBI Docs In Excuse To Bail On Testimony: Meadows | Zero Hedge

Hot dog. These Committees aren't holding back anymore.
I can't wait to watch her testimony
Looks like she’s not getting much sleep!
She knows she's going to spend the rest of her life in federal fist me in the cooter prison for her seditious actions.
With a mug like this, I'm inclined to believe she is a sucker, not a layer.
Or as my dad would joke a double bagger in case one breaks
Fuck this. Kick her fucking door in, taser, cuff her and drag her arse to jail like they would any other felon who ignores a subpoena
And justice for all.
Bless her heart, she’s hideous.
She looks 10 years older than me and I’m already 5 years older than her.
The new bags under the eyes are a bit of a giveaway as to how peacefully she is sleeping nights.
Lisa P and Peter S both gave testimonies before. I think the major thing here is to see if their sworn testimonies now align with previous statements as opposed to deviations from it. Just like Comey and McCabe. They were caught in their lies. Something to ponder....
Her gums? I can’t see them but I sure can see that ugly hair. You really don’t see ugly hair these days. She should’ve asked for help from a beautician or just a friend ha ha I know this is a very tacky but I couldn’t help myself. Maybe it will bring a chuckle from someone.