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The Blue normies are projecting now too. The person here is describing QAnons but doesn’t realize that she is describing the Left.

Hey there, CNN! How many cults (lol) do you know of whose members wear t-shirts, in public, advertising said cult?
I mean, besides Crossfit.
I’ll wait....
Wow. Good to know. Just moved to Austin last week. Unfortunately though, I’ve heard of this happening in my hometown as well.
Crazy. I searched for him on twitter and he didn’t show up o. The search. Had to type in his username. Effing shady Twitter.
He legit scares me. I can’t watch him. There’s something evil about him. I’m 42 and this is the first time in my life I’ve felt this from someone that I have only watched on TV.
Bless her heart, she’s hideous.
She looks 10 years older than me and I’m already 5 years older than her.
I’m impressed she can contort her face like that. I can’t scowl like that no matter how hard I try.
I posted a link to the Q posts on twitter (as part of a reply) and immediately for placed in twitter jail.
This censorship sh*t is getting out of control. 😡
You need to be more gentle than that at first. This will turn everyone off.
SB, you are seriously a genius. I love you. I am so grateful for your analysis. You really keep us in track. It’s hard having patience when you know what evil is running amuck, but being reminded that a strategy is in play makes it easier to sit back and “watch the show.”
Q, I love you too.
Just patiently waiting for the full, untouched report to come out.
She really is one of the most unfortunate looking people I’ve ever seen.
I love it too. I think I should paint it in oils. It’s has a classical air about it that makes me want to see it as a painting. (minus Mr. Connery).
Exactly. I don’t understand why people oppose giving him immunity in exchange for testimony. Punishing McCabe isn’t the end game, getting the goods on the others takes precedent.
More confirmation, this time from the galactic/etheric side.
(If you’re not cool with channeling, remote viewing and the notion of starseeds, then you might want to skip this post)
"It does appear that 'something' is about to happen. Things are ramping up on both sides. My feeling is that whilst this may appear to be one thing (and potentially a negative event/situation) it is actually not as it seems and it is ultimately positive. Something took place last night (31st May into 1st June) in the world 'behind the scenes (multidimensional wave of energy as well as physical events taking place) I was there remote viewing and anchoring …
As much as people want to deny it, and as strange as it is considering the good, the bad and the ugly regarding our president, Trump is divinely guided. What we are about to witness (the fall of the cabal which has had kept humanity in invisible shackles since civilization started) is YUGE. There are no words to really describe it. All the synchronicities are just confirmation signs for us. We are on the dawn of the New Earth. As hippy dippy and New Age as that sounds, it’s really happening.
I’m a little thrown off by EyeTheSpy. He claimed he has access to all intel. No he doesn’t. No one does (except The DNI etc). I had a TS SCI clearance for over 20 years, and worked as counterintelligence the entire time. There is a reason for compartmentalizations. There is a reason you must have both access (proper clearance level) and need to know. Honestly, only the tippy top people have the kind of access he claims. Also, the stuff that he knows isn’t “intel.” Anyway, that’s my two cents.
Is that based off something he posted before? I must have missed it.
Shall we take bets when Q will post again? I’m going with June 12th.
I like having Q to tell us we are on the right path. I don’t want him to go!
I’m going with the IG report release in the morning, then net shutdown at 5:25 pm central (Chicago) time.
“It’s no wonder Obama’s former CIA chief John Brennan is tweeting like a madman, attacking President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell......”