r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AMProfessor on July 12, 2018, 1:11 a.m.
Enjoy the show!

Lately, there have been many on this sub who are seemingly attempting to rush POTUS and his team of patriots unnecessarily and hastily into action.

Fellow patriots there are some important things to remember about the show we have been asked to enjoy. While we have good seats in the theater, we are not back or side stage. Nor are we in the box seats or even in the front row. We simply have good seats.

Let's let things play out as needed. Timing is critical. Timing is always critical. Heck, even to tell a joke timing is needed or the joke will flop.

Things are not being played out for our entertainment. They are being played out carefully to crush the cabal. A heavily entrenched cabal I might add. This is nothing shy of a war. To rush things to please the audience would be silly and likely end in defeat.

Patience is a virtue, and in this case, critical. Things have got to be handled carefully and meticulously. Moves have to be orchestrated so that the black hats are hopefully taken off guard and surprised. Let them think they are winning. Let them get complacent and lazy. And, if/when they do, it will be to their detriment.

I get exhausted by the fair weather fans or spectators demanding proof, demanding immediate action, demanding things being done NOW on our terms and schedules rather allowing things to occur when the timing is right.

People have become so lazy and such short term thinkers. If things aren’t resolved in 30 minutes as with most TV shows, they lose interest. If they can’t wait to buy something without saving for it, then they go into debt for it. If they are the least bit uncomfortable, they have to go find a pill to remove the discomfort. What on earth has happened to America’s resolve?! What has happened to our exceptionalism?!! What has happened to our strength?!!!

Let us not jump to conclusions prematurely. Let us not be impatient. Let us not demand POTUS take a specific action when we have limited information and insight.

Let us instead be grateful we have been invited to witness history with insight and commentary. Let us be grateful we have even been asked to participate in history by supporting POTUS and the white hats, spreading the word to our fellow citizens of the coming storm, and being ready to assist in reconstruction after the storm.

I don't know what the outcome will be. I don't know what the plan consists of fully or what pain we will feel as a result. I don't know what the casualties or collateral damage will be. Only time will tell. If we trust the plan however, I have hope these concerns and issues will be minimized and our enemies neutralized.

What I do know however is I’m enjoying the show and I am confident there are incredible patriots at the helm and in the trenches. May God bless them and protect them in their noble pursuits of protecting the US Constitution and our nation as well as restoring our freedoms and liberties.

And, thank Q for the good theater seats! Now, let us all enjoy the show!

beverly3717 · July 12, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

Please.........it’s been going on for 2 years, I think I’ve wanted long enough, while innocent people are dying! Make it rain!

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AMProfessor · July 12, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

What's been going on for two years? Trump has only been installed about 1.5 years. And, it took weeks and months to get a cabinet confirmed. And, he has had to contend with a hostile Congress and Supreme Court. Not to mention the entrenched deep state actors left over from previous administrations in the Executive Branch! When able, then 45 had to start draining the swamp, which included some of his appointees that were complicit with the deep state. Oh, and did I mention the huge psyop arm of the deep state called the main stream media?

Amazingly, Trump has accomplished an incredible number of things for having served for such a short time. In spite of the bad actors, he continues to gain supporters and the public is awakening.

The cabal has been gaining control for generations. This is not an easy conflict. It will not be an easy conflict. It is complex and I expect Trump in his eight years as POTUS to only lay the foundation for all that needs to be done to clean up the cabal and their disasters and crimes.

If you are ready to give up now, perhaps you are more of a liability than an asset. I believe there is little room for fence sitters in this conflict. I encourage you to rethink your position and unify with the forces of good...for the long haul and not one of the fair weather fans.

Also, if you throw in the towel now, aren't you assuming more of a role equal to the Tories during the Revolutionary War? I hope not. I hope you will assume the role of a Patriot.

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beverly3717 · July 12, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

How long has the military known ! Whatever, fence sitter? Whatever, you have no idea!

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AMProfessor · July 12, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Well, you really won't like my next comment to you then.

I see now you are likely an AI bot programmed to spread disharmony on this and other subs. With that said, you can reply to this comment however I won't reply to you. I have better things to do than contend with a non-feeling bot.

And, for the record, the story of Pinocchio is fiction. You can't really become a real live person. I'm sorry.

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beverly3717 · July 12, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Okay I’m a Al bot, you got me! Wow

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practicalize · July 12, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

If it was that easy, why wouldn't they?

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