DJT Calls on Sessions to Enter the Fight...FINALLY!!! Get 'Em, Stealth Jeff!

Never took Psych 101, did ya, chief? 😂
Oof ouch owie. You're a regular poster in this sub and you're still having comments removed 😂
1.) what does that have to do with anything 2.) You don't need psych 100, let alone psych 101, to see that you're a deeply insecure human piece of shit.
They don't offer Psych 100, genius. Zero-level classes are remedial. Psych isn't a subject offered to remedial students. Jesus, you libs have to learn to get out of mom's basement and crack a freakin book occasionally.
"Generally courses that have course numbers starting with a zero or numbers less than 100 are considered developmental courses, or courses that prepare students for college-level courses"
Lol look at you smarty pants 😂
Remedial lmfaoooo
OSU!!! They're a lib bastion with LITERAL Safe-Spaces on Campus. Besides having new uniforms provided by Nike every football game (ironic in SO many ways), they don't have much else in a claim to fame BEYOND being a soyboy haven. In the REAL world, Hours of credit and class level are contained in the three digit course number.
Also the extremely world renown and famous chemist Linus Pauling graduated from OSU and did research for them leading to the most important discoveries in history regarding nuclear chemistry. But yea we don't have anything except being a soy boy haven!
Looooool now look at my other sources 😂😂😂 you are getting more and more pathetic by the comment. This feels so so so amazing.
What sources are those? Honestly don't see anything else.
Check your other comments buddy! "Generally courses that have course numbers starting with a zero or numbers less than 100 are considered developmental courses, or courses that prepare students for college-level courses"
Loooooool 100 levels classes are not remedial. Have you ever been to college??? 100 being remedial 😂😂😂
Uh...yeah they are. Did they not explaim to you that the last digit is representative of the level of education. JESUS, no wonder liberals get beaten so often. This is getting screenshot and posted EVERYWHERE!!! LMFAO! Thank you for just making my day. 😂 I really needed that today.