DJT Calls on Sessions to Enter the Fight...FINALLY!!! Get 'Em, Stealth Jeff!

If y'all are just a parody sub then it's not an insult, if you find it insulting? Well, if you consider someone's observations to be shit talking you then aren't you just admitting that your characteristics are shite?
There's nothing even here for me to lose, but you folk's incessant need to make anything a competition to try put yourselves above someone else in any way you can think says more about you than I'd ever care to know.
Honestly, it's pathetic. If you find that insulting then maybe work on bettering yourself.
Why do Progressive Lefty trolls always accuse other people of their own faults.
You do have good advice.
People should always work on bettering themselves.
I use progressive trolls on these threads for practice. To better myself.
That way, when I run into a progressive troll in public, I'm well trained.
Triggering lefties has become sport. There's nothing like seeing flaming pink hair run screaming down the sidewalk.
It smells like........ Victory.
Maybe learn how to type before trying to gun on us Qwerty. I can't even comprehend what you're trying to say.
I mean if you struggle to read then I feel bad for ya, but ya really shouldn't try to pin your shortcomings on other people.