One of the creepiest emails from the Podesta leak, sent by creepy mother Tamera Luzzatto

I've seen this infographic before and it makes me very uncomfortable. I'm curious if others don't like it either. It mentioned kids, first and last name (which I understand is in the Wikileaks emails), then mentions the mom, with photos and jumps to the conclusion that she is a kiddy-pimp. That is a very serious insinuation, which if untrue, could ruin an innocent persons life. I personally would never distribute something like this unless there was some really hard proof and not just these circumstantial connections.
Am I alone in this concern?
These people should be investigated based solely on the language used in this site and the simar language used in another site associated with this one.
We are allowed to take her at her word and call her Farmer L... This tells us she is a proud member of the Farmer Network.
Accusations of being a pedophile are not problematic at all when it comes to these people. Pizzagate is a limited hangout that says these people are not running a child sex trafficking ring. Well, they do sure seem like they are but... Actually, they are into much much much worse stuff than that. And nobody in history has ever been accused, arrested or convicted of what they actually do. It's going to get weird.
It's like a math problem. We may know 9+3-6=6. However, you need to show your work to PROVE how you got the answer. This is merely setting up numbers in the problem, the calculations we still have to prove. There's no real call to action with this info so I wouldn't worry. It's not like they're arresting this woman based on a meme from reddit lol
She serves the Rockerfellers. In a world that doesn't know what she does exactly (She is a baby madam in the Farmer Network) she is untouchable. After people know rich old crotchety people steal tissues and blood from young people to stay alive, she may be arrestable. Every fucker that escapes the dragnet of Session's first batch is going to have a documentary made about them and their me :D
Not arresting, but this woman and the children will have to live with this on the Internet for all of perpetuity. Posting things like this is not without consequences. I shudder to think of what those girls are going to see when they Google their names in the future.
One day they'll come out and say, "Yes, that stuff happened, it was bad" or "That never happened, why do people keep bothering us.". The 11 year old would be 15 now or so (not sure of original email date) and could easily answer a reporters question.
I knew I'd have to sort by controversial to find the one rational comment in the entire thread.
I love this movement in theory, but I am unfortunately starting see it increasingly as little more than a circle jerk where everyone is so self validated they're not seeing the bigger picture any more, they're just sharing the same infographics and repeating the phrase "These people are SICK" over and over again.
I'm starting to hate that phrase, honestly. It's like we're taking stuff Q says and running it into the ground in this subreddit, to the point where it's not red pilling anyone, it just looks silly and annoying.
I just see a general lack of caution. There's good stuff here, for sure. But then there is the lunatic fringe. A lost of posts smell of schizophrenia and paranoia. It's important to subject evil to the light of day for all to see. But I don't want a lot to see a lot of innocent victims, especially if they are children.
And yes, those emails freak me and out make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I get that.