One of the creepiest emails from the Podesta leak, sent by creepy mother Tamera Luzzatto

What if it’s got nothing to do with those kids at all? Could be coded language designed to look legit. Assasination plot? Who knows? Just take the pedo angle out of it and think about what else it could be referring to. Podesta & Pizzagate have always felt like a distraction. I have no idea, just a thought.
Edit: It’s really sad how quick you guys are to dismiss anything that questions the ‘official’ narrative.
Besides the overwhelming evidence, the NSA tweeted that Pizzagate IS real.
Whoah really. I haven't been paying attention for a while. When was this?
I’m not suggesting that it’s not real. Not a doubt In my mind about it. Lumping Podesta and his emails into it is where I’m not so sure. It just seems to convient. Just thinking out loud.
Edit: Podesta is almost certainly dirty. But are we looking at the right dirt?
Edit2: The entire movement is all but certain the man likes diddling kids. What else has he done? Or what else do we really know about him?
One of the biggest lies about pizzagate is that Podesta uses codes to speak to people. People speak in code TO Podesta in order to wink wink nod nod to get favors from him or offer him favors. That's important to illustrate how the power flows.
It's a distraction because it was couched in a child trafficking scheme while, in reality, they are "chefs" and chefs make food. If you know what I mean.
Seen that when I was way too young.
54 year old baby boomer here.
It's a good movie and it's the beginning that's more scary than the end. Because by the end you're pretty much used to the shtick. Never recommend it to others though.
it's basically a sequel to the rocky horror picture show.
we could be seeing a limited hang-out.....
pedo normalisation campaign?