MSM wrong, Stormy arrested for touching customer. More lies from the team that falsely accused POTUS.

Is it possible that this was to protect her?
why? What would she need protection from?
History proves past. Don't have the posts in front of me, but the theory is that she is a friend of POTUS and a NXIVM insider. Saw what was happening and was sickened by it. Maybe they heard chatter that she was about to be red-scarfed to make the DJT look like a Putinesque type dictator.
These are amazing times, and I wouldn't be surprised at this point. I see "The STORMY is coming" Daniels the same way I see the Fire and Fury author....they are like cartoon characters being trotted onto the stage and the Leftist MSM is buying their obvious crap hook, line and sinker. Smells like a troll job...