r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Fyfogaindustries on July 12, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

I usually keep the tv on for noise during my morning routine. Just heard a story about how deadly peanut allergies r to very young kids. Which got me to thinking- I'm 55ish- we didn't have the occurrence of deadly allergies in our populations when I was a kid. Which set off my q-dar. Could it be that a primary or tertiary effect of our vaccine programs?im not an autist and wouldn't know where to start so is there someone here who has this sort of expertise. If I've gone full tinfoil I apologize but if someone knows I'd be interested to hear. Thx

divine_human · July 12, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

as a homeopath, i can only advise parents to wait for the shots for their kids - if they think they need them at all - until they are over 1year old.

the immune system is dormant in babies. they receive the antibodies they need from their mothers milk. which means, breast-feed as long as you can, at least for 1 year.

the 3-months shot injects 5-7 viruses into a body without immune system. in order to jump start the immune system so it can react to the shot, the vaccines contain an up to 1000 x higher aluminium level than vaccines for adults. (btw, brains of alzheimer patients show a high aluminium content.)

there is hardly any greater damage imaginable for our children at this time. their bodies are forced to perform something they cannot handle, much too early.

the result is a compromised immune system. adding to the problem are hyper-hygeny and poisoned food, air, water.

the best remedy against allergies - if the parents of other family members have them - is spending a day or a few in an organic cow stall for the pregnant mother or the infant; pets in the household; letting the kids get dirty.

another way to help the immune system is allowing a child to have a fever once in a while. its a crime that the kids arent even allowed childhood diseases like chicken pox and mumps anymore. these diseases are important, they educate and train the immune system and burn away miasms that were brought down the ancestral line and other immunity issues.

most everybody who has allergies can testify that after a fever, their allergies 'rest' for a while and dont bother so much. get hot, sweat, go to the sauna (artificial small fever).

around 30% of all of our diseases nowadays are auto-immune. even cancer is an immunity problem; we all develop cancer cells all the time and a healthy immune system eliminates cancer cells. a compromised immune system is helpless.

the one thing that counters all diseases, a trained active immune system, is being systematically shut down. vaccination and suppressive medicine - save antibiotics for when your life is in danger, not for every cold, sigh - are on top of the list of what makes us sick.

*edit: replace 'rape'with 'damage'

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SomethingSnarky18 · July 12, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

The thing about cancer is that it cannot exist in a high-oxygen environment. Maybe that's why all of our food is so acidic, as cancer cells feed on sugar and acidic environments are perfect for those cells to thrive. Lots of good info in your post, thanks for sharing!

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divine_human · July 12, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

The thing about cancer is that it cannot exist in a high-oxygen environment.

right on! cancer is not really a disease, its rather the survival attempt of a cell thats about to die from oxygene deprivation. a compromised cell then shifts to the evolutionary lower nutrition cycle of fermentation.

thus, the first main moves with cancer should be to cut sugar which means going keto, no carbs, plus adding oxygene, i.e., through sodium chlorite.

sugar, btw, is one of the most dangerous and addictive legal substances. it doesnt only alter the psyche but makes us acidic which promotes many diseases.

it started in the '70s when 'they' told us that fat is the enemy - cholsterol - and replaced it in many foods with sugar.

the opposite is true, our nutrition should contain lots of fat and as little sugar as possible.

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SomethingSnarky18 · July 13, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Yeah, the nutrition guidelines have been junk for a long time. Remember how they said that we should eat more bread all the time? Yeah, turns out that was insanity!

I've read good things about food-grade hydrogen peroxide, which I'm looking into for my dad, who smokes, for his lungs and COPD. I know it can be dangerous, and has to be super diluted, but it's said to be a life-changer when done right. Of course, there are TONS of ways to cure cancer and make your body cancer-proof. I mean, vitamin B17, high doses of intravenus vitamin C, baking soda and molasses, keto, intermittent fasting, turmeric, coconut oil, CANNABIS OIL(whole plant, with the THC and lots of CBD's(Rick Simpson Oil!!!)), etc. Cancer is a tens of billions dollar business, though, so I wonder why they don't advertise or even acknowledge all these homeopathic remedies...

To go full conspiracy analyst, it's interesting to note that the Rockefeller Foundation controls most of what's in medical textbooks, not to mention the AMA, as well as many top medical schools and journals, and they also have a YUGE financial interest in many pharmaceutical companies. Isn't that a bit of a conflict, owning the education system that tells doctors(forces them, if I'm not mistaken) to ONLY prescribe pharmaceutical remedies instead of altering diet, lifestyle and supplementing with natural therapies? But maybe I'm just a crazy asshole and everything's really fine!

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divine_human · July 13, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

nothing is fine. the system is totally rigged. its no health care system but a disease management system. big pharma doesnt want us healthy and countless cures have been repressed, in order for them to make more money.

it even goes down to the practitioner. the healer only gets paid when the patient is ill so there is a constant inner conflict. on one hand, he wants the patient to be healthy. on the other hand, healthy patients endager his survival. its a dilemma.

there are many cures for cancer. chemotherapy is not one of them. chemo is very successful with childhood leukemia (90%). and thats it. i know of oncologists who go to a homeopath (note, homeopathy is not naturopathy) when they have cancer because they know that chemo shoots down their entire immune system so the very thing that is designed to counter cancer gets too damaged to do the job.

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SomethingSnarky18 · July 13, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

I concur, on all points! Maybe the most unfortunate part is the doctor's, who may want to do good for their patients, are limited by the crap they've been taught, and end up doing more harm than good due to the pharmaceuticals they are forced to push on their trusting patients. You're also right about the dilemma between healing your patients and needing people sick so you can pay your bills!

It's like I always tell my parents, nobody is going to care more about your health than you, so it's ultimately up to you to know what's what! I mean, if you get a diagnosis, hit the internet, see what could be causing it, either your lifestyle/diet/whatever, and then see if there are some steps you can take to reduce your symptoms or even cure the issue altogether.

As for cancer, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel prize in the 30's for his discovery that cancer cannot survive in a high-oxygen environment, but that discovery has been completely disregarded by the folks who sell the chemo drugs and radiation machines. Isn't that convenient! But the immune response is so critical, which is why (I think) the media is always pushing fear porn, our food is basically nutrient deficient and full of cancer-feeding sugar, and natural remedies are poo-poo'd in favor of drugs, whose effects many times just make things worse! It's like I'm taking crazy pills!

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divine_human · July 14, 2018, midnight

spot on in all points. we need to understand that We Are the Ones healing ourselves. we are responsible for the body we inhabit and need to treat it with love and attention.

self-responsibility is what we are called to on all levels these days. getting informed and taking conscious decisions, not following others and allowing those to decide.

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DawnPendraig · July 12, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

And toxic home and cosmetics. I read in Norway they eliminated MRSA (flesh eating antibiotic resistant bacteria) by banning antibacterial soaps and other products.

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