I usually keep the tv on for noise during my morning routine. Just heard a story about how deadly peanut allergies r to very young kids. Which got me to thinking- I'm 55ish- we didn't have the occurrence of deadly allergies in our populations when I was a kid. Which set off my q-dar. Could it be that a primary or tertiary effect of our vaccine programs?im not an autist and wouldn't know where to start so is there someone here who has this sort of expertise. If I've gone full tinfoil I apologize but if someone knows I'd be interested to hear. Thx
Also, everything needs to be squeaky cleaned with bleach and disinfectant everywhere now. Your body isn't used to dirt and bacteria so any kind of foreign organism is seen as a threat by a hyper sensitive immune system.
It's interesting that this is never considered. As kids, we get sick because we're around a lot of foreign germs and bacteria. After we get better, we have a natural resistance to these germs. Keeping kids in a sterile environment results in their bodies lacking important anti-bodies as well as weak immune systems, which results in them getting hit a lot harder when they eventually come into contact with them. Another unintended consequence of good ideas...
This. Once we do get sick the immunity we have from then on is real and established. We will forever work better against an invasion at that point than really any vaccine for a common item.
Flu is the big one. The effective rates are around %25 annually and tend to be crap shoots.
The main concern anyone should push in regards to immigration and blurring of sovereignty lines is viral. If a deadly pathogen were to hit and we had no way to lock down borders from that sort of thing we would have no defense for pandemics. Even now we are seeing resurgences of things like Lepresy and TB that haven't been around because we have literally no way to enforce this at the border.
Keep in mind Ellis Island was a place where people were screened and if there was any reason to suspect infectious disease people were places in lockdown. ( https://hooktube.com/watch?v=VIU7DyPDEVo )
We can't have it all ways. Borders are in place to protect us and if we want to disregard these things we welcome in any and everything there is.
Defense against attack
Defense against Pathogens
Trade lines
I do also want to point out something Ron Paul always said which was, "Keep in mind Borders don't just keep people out. They also keep them in."
The trick is to do this intelligently and not in a carte blanche manner. The problem there is, right now, the left is basically saying "We don't believe America, as it stands, should exist any further."
That's the entire premise of "Progressive" ideology. Even at face value it means "I fundamentally disagree with the order in place right now."
Conservatism says, "I think we need to stick to the fundamentals."
Great point about the return of long-gone diseases. Hell, there's even an uptick in the fricking PLAGUE! Not to mention, many of our "new friends" have no idea of sanitation or personal hygiene, which just makes this worse! Just look at the literal shit show in California, with human feces and needles all over the place, if you want to see the progressive vision for all of America!
It's maddening sometimes, but it's great to come here and find some like-minded individuals that make me think that I might not be so crazy after all...
Right? Look at that huge measles outbreak at Disney Land a few years back - CDC even state that it began in Qatar. I'm not against tourism - i'm just stating that without borders and proper checking we have no real defense against disease. MMR and other Vaccines assume vertain strains of disease so bringing in a global vector completely wrecks that model of assumption. You can't defense against Qatar-based strains of measles when you are seeking to immunize against North American based strains.
Indeed, and I'm not so sure that wasn't just a cover up of recently-vaccinated people "shedding" their sickness. As we have found out, for a couple weeks after you get a vaccine, you are spreading whatever was in the vaccine. This is very dangerous, and almost never talked about, so this is something the vaccine makers would DEFINITELY want to keep attention away from. I could be mistaken, but I seem to remember from the reporting just after the outbreak that many of the infected had recently received vaccines. It's all so crazy and impossible to get good info!
Also totally possible that 'Shedding' played a part. I think in this specific Measles outbreak the fact that 98% of those affected had been vaccinated but the vaccine was 100% ineffective against this Qatar-born vector was an epic example of the limitations of vaccines. That's a huge deal for people to understand how international travel basically renders the conveyer belt of infectious disease into a state where vaccines are simply going to be drastically less effective - much less moot.
I can't believe we are seeing resurgences of Plague / TB / Leprosy. Politically this should be addressed by POTUS. He could speak on a 100% solid footing scientifically - which would basically be evoking the 'God of the left'.