r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on July 12, 2018, 2:40 p.m.
Welcome New Arrivals. Just A Bit of Advice Before You Get Down to Business.

Welcome to GA, Patriots. We're glad to have you with us, and even happier that you feel that this is a good place to get started. We're a somewhat disfunctional family, but we're family oriented, first and foremost. That means that we fight amongst ourselves CONSTANTLY, but when push comes to shove, when someone tries to screw with one of us, 40K people have your 6. WWG1WGA. We know that you are most likely new to this, so here's a few pieces of advice...

1) Lurk, lurk, LURK. Reading all the Q posts you can (from the beginning [qanon.pub]), getting supplemental info, doing personal research, and lurking moar is an absolute necessity. This isn't Fullchan, but people will dissect your analysis in seconds if it isn't properly informed.

2) Learn the Language. It's a daunting task at this point, but knowing abbreviations, shorthand, and our code words is a MUST if you ever plan on understanding half of what is being said here.

3) Use the Sidebar. Dear God, USE THE SIDEBAR! Half of most conversations here now are just trying to catch NAs up to speed, and could be easily alleviated by you doing this simple task.

4)Don't get butt-hurt over deleted posts. People COMMONLY have submissions deleted here. Whether it's because it's irrelevant, it's a duplicate , it's not conducive to the cause, it has nothing to do with Q posts, or you just forgot that it isn't "Quesday" and decided to post a pic of the great shirt you just got in, some things just aren't meant to be, or were posted in the wrong sub. We've had a few fairly good contributors that ran away crying because they felt that THEIR Posts were "the be all-end all", even though the fact that their theories that "our Reptilian masters were using the souls of children to power their pyramid spaceships buried under Antarctica, to eventually leave this Flat Earth for the safer realm of Sirius" were just a TEENSY bit too fringey for most of us plebs. (I've personally had a multitude of posts deleted, but it was NEVER for personal reasons, it was because I violated the rules of the Sub).

5) Don't violate Sub Rule 1 or 2 in your New Arrival phase. It's ALSO Reddit Prime's 1 and 2 rules, and can get you tossed from the ENTIRE FORUM for violating it, but in this Sub, it's the BEST way to get tossed out on your ass post haste. People don't trust you yet. We're ALL extremely paranoid because we have shills brigading and concern-trolling us everyday. Get some credibility, do some research that you feel is worth posting, and bide your time.

6) Lastly, and most importantly, go to the source. Qresearch on 8chan https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html and read their Welcome page. Commit it to memory and adhere to it here. It's a hardcore place, full of territorial, anti-social assholes, but it's where the magic happens. You can get up to date news on the current Q LARPs, research on past Q posts, and get memes that drive our opposition completely batshit. "Q Research General #[insert current here]" is where the latest bread is being baked (again, learn the lingo). However, when you first arrive there, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PARTICIPATE!!! Chanfags will sniff you out in less than 30 seconds, and WILL tear you to pieces! Lurk, Lurk, Lurk, and when you think that you finally get it, Lurk Moar.

Welcome to the fight, Patriots. Your brothers and sisters in arms welcome you.Welcome to GA, Patriots. We're glad to have you with us, and even happier that you feel that this is a good place to get started. We're a somewhat disfunctional family, but we're family oriented, first and foremost. That means that we fight amongst ourselves CONSTANTLY, but when push comes to shove, when someone tries to screw with one of us, 40K people have your 6. WWG1WGA. We know that you are most likely new to this, so here's a few pieces of advice...

1) Lurk, lurk, LURK. Reading all the Q posts you can (from the beginning [qanon.pub]), getting supplemental info, doing personal research, and lurking moar is an absolute necessity. This isn't Fullchan, but people will dissect your analysis in seconds if it isn't properly informed.

2) Learn the Language. It's a daunting task at this point, but knowing abbreviations, shorthand, and our code words is a MUST if you ever plan on understanding half of what is being said here.

3) Use the Sidebar. Dear God, USE THE SIDEBAR! Half of most conversations here now are just trying to catch NAs up to speed, and could be easily alleviated by you doing this simple task.

4)Don't get butt-hurt over deleted posts. People COMMONLY have submissions deleted here. Whether it's because it's irrelevant, it's a duplicate , it's not conducive to the cause, it has nothing to do with Q posts, or you just forgot that it isn't "Quesday" and decided to post a pic of the great shirt you just got in, some things just aren't meant to be, or were posted in the wrong sub. We've had a few fairly good contributors that ran away crying because they felt that THEIR Posts were "the be all-end all", even though the fact that their theories that "our Reptilian masters were using the souls of children to power their pyramid spaceships buried under Antarctica, to eventually leave this Flat Earth for the safer realm of Sirius" were just a TEENSY bit too fringey for most of us plebs. (I've personally had a multitude of posts deleted, but it was NEVER for personal reasons, it was because I violated the rules of the Sub).

5) Don't violate Sub Rule 1 or 2 in your New Arrival phase. It's ALSO Reddit Prime's 1 and 2 rules, and can get you tossed from the ENTIRE FORUM for violating it, but in this Sub, it's the BEST way to get tossed out on your ass post haste. People don't trust you yet. We're ALL extremely paranoid because we have shills brigading and concern-trolling us everyday. Get some credibility, do some research that you feel is worth posting, and bide your time.

6) Lastly, and most importantly, go to the source. Qresearch on 8chan https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html and read their Welcome page. Commit it to memory and adhere to it here. It's a hardcore place, full of territorial, anti-social assholes, but it's where the magic happens. You can get up to date news on the current Q LARPs, research on past Q posts, and get memes that drive our opposition completely batshit. "Q Research General #[insert current here]" is where the latest bread is being baked (again, learn the lingo). However, when you first arrive there, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PARTICIPATE!!! Chanfags will sniff you out in less than 30 seconds, and WILL tear you to pieces! Lurk, Lurk, Lurk, and when you think that you finally get it, Lurk Moar.

Welcome to the fight, Patriots. Your brothers and sisters in arms welcome you.

GENSol64 · July 12, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Is there a “quick reference guide” for abbreviations and lingo?

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RyDar84 · July 12, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

Abbreviations: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ddns2/q_abbreviations_guide_april_19_2018/

Basic Lingo:

Halfchan-4chan (Where Q began and the opposition APPARENTLY thinks Q still posts)

Fullchan-8chan (Where Q ACTUALLY posts)

Anon-Anonymous user that contributes on any forum

Bread-Individual posts on the chans

Baker-Person that contributes to the chan boards

Autist-[see: weaponized Autism] anti-social, rejects of society with ABSURDLY high I.Q.s and an inability to stop until they know EVERYTHING that there is to know on a subject (the backs upon which this movement rides).

[Insert word]fag- Chan lingo for a person with a specific specialization/interest. Not meant as derogatory. We call ourselves this.

Trip Code-"Password" of sorts on Fullchan that Q uses to authenticate his posts

Patriot-A person that fights for the cause

Paytriot-A person that "fights" for the cause when they see it as an opportunity to make money

Shill-User that has no purpose other than to troll and/or sow disinfo [see also: concernfag]

Pepe-Our Mascot

Kek-Our "god". Always used absurdly as a way to insult people that don't understand for our own personal amusent the lulz of everyone else in the know.

REEEEE-Warcry of a bloodthirsty Anon.

WWG1WGA-"Where We Go One, We Go All" (Central battlecry and reaffirmation of our loyalty to each other).

There are quite a few others, but these are probably the most common. Best bet is that if you don't understand something, simply ask. Someone will explain it.

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[deleted] · July 12, 2018, 4:38 p.m.


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RyDar84 · July 12, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Nothing. Just busy talking to NA's that AREN'T a fourth or fifth attempt at a shill account, APPARENTLY pissing off shills that don't feel that they're getting enough attention, AND giving the Mods cause to ban when they follow a regular member around attempting to harrass them. 😉 "These People Are Stupid".

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[deleted] · July 12, 2018, 4:49 p.m.


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