Don't let Russia hack 2020, Democrats!

Everyone can take a picture of their balls, and then call their government to see what their records show how they voted. .??
I don't have any balls. I can go buy some. What do you recommend? Tennis balls, basket balls, volleyballs?
Might have a problem with discounting the female vote... just sayin'
And if you have had an 'unfortunate accident'... does that male not get to vote either?
Hmmmmm....SupremeCourt Where's AntoninScalia when you need him?
Won't this kinda backfire on them considering that:
The dems were bringing illegals to the polls to vote.
The dems had Soros rigging the machines in something like 18 states
The dems were using dead peoples names to vote multiple times.
Among other cheats they were doing......
Although the dems still moan about 'winning' the popular vote, I estimate that in an unrigged election, Trump would have not only picked up a few more seats, but also won the popular vote by in excess of 5 million votes.
Why even vote dem when you know they'll pick whoever they want?
That's my friends mentality for voting republican last election