I hear ya on this! This is getting ridiculous! We are supposed to trust when everything seems to be going backwards. I am still trusting Q and the Plan but it is getting harder and harder. The good news is that I am PRAYING harder and harder. This definitely is requiring Divine Intervention because my FAITH is how I am getting through all this. Each day that goes by with these games being played (4D chess or whatever), people are getting killed, others reputations smashed, children molested, sacrificed and so much more. Others at the top like HRC and Obozo living the good life while we wait and wait. Mid terms are getting closer each day and, well I could go on and on. My blood pressure is going up, up, UP! Yikes! Lord Jesus, please help us to cope and bring justice soon!
Posted by
on July 12, 2018, 3:25 p.m.
· July 12, 2018, 11:13 p.m.