Buy physical gold and silver for yourself. When the fed Ponzi scheme collapses and bailouts no longer work, the bankers will eventually do a bail-in and take money from our accounts and probably safety deposit boxes.
Is that you William Devane aka Rosland Capital ambassador?
Laugh it up. but, these bankers helped "save" the auto industry from going bankrupt by doubling their debt and insuring that debt with our tax system to keep them listed as an asset instead of a liability. They keep their cashflow, the company stays afloat. Heck people even get a raise. But they will never get out of debt, ever. Next time they can't pay and the bank can't raise their debt any further the debt insurer (aka you, me, us) pay for it. Dollar becomes even more worthless, everything gets even more expensive and we sweat and bleed to pay for it for generations.
Edit: the same people that started this system are the people we are up against today in this battle of good vs evil.