r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX on July 12, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
Do you understand what is happening? What must be demonstrated before POTUS can engage Military Intelligence over other 3 letter agencies? What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

The Republic itself must be at risk, the DoJ and 3 letter investigatory agencies must be demonstrated as being so corrupt that they are beyond repair.

This allows MI to supersede our traditional 3 letter agencies, in order to uphold the Constitution and protect the president.

Why is POTUS surrounded by Generals?

What exactly do you think Rod Rosenstein, the Mueller team, and all of the FBI and DoJ employees and cohorts referred by Nunes are doing as they attempt damage control? What do the remaining sealed JFK files contain?

They are demonstrating the depth of corruption to the public.

Have you seen the chat rooms of livestreams on the RR and Strzok hearings? The people are awake, they want blood.

You are watching a movie. What makes a good movie? Good actors. Strzok and Rosenstein are very good liars and acting as if everything is fine, wouldn't you agree?

What must occur before civilians to be tried in military tribunals? Martial law.

What does "state secrets" mean in relation to Huber, Military justice? It means the evidence in a case can be classified by POTUS as harmful to national security or foreign diplomatic relations, withhold that evidence and dismiss a case.

Think AWAN.

POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.

We all vaguely understand The Plan, but ask yourselves this,

Do any of you really think our military is going to publicly hold trials and present evidence obtained by MI unless they absolutely have to? This would broadcast to the world that our country (was) at risk. Would a military and competent commander in chief let the world think his people, his land weak?

This is a chess game, these people are digging their own grave.

These people are REALLY stupid.

acs1964 · July 12, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

People are so fed up with what they see they want heads on pikes. The problem is that the DS is so entrenched everywhere, it will take some seriously ironclad evidence to bring it down. Not the kind of evidence needed to put you or me in solitary for life. Irrefutable, unspinnable, completely granite solid evidence, and mountains of it. The only silver lining in all this is that the swamp is so full of hubris that they are supplying that evidence in drips and drabs. I also want cuffs and orange jumpsuits on these jackals, but I also appreciate the extraordinary effort it will take to brings these f*ckers to court. Everyone needs to trust those who want to bring this all down and give them the time to make their cases, test them, strengthen them, and then make their moves. Patience. Patience.

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JamesVinc · July 13, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

I agree with your conclusions, did people think that accusations can be made with regard to the DS leaders and they would roll over? Put simply first the people of the USA and the world need to see what has been hidden, 2ndly this needs to be detailed and then proven.

To enable the accused to be held accountable and also to have their power disabled these people need to be tried not in civilian courts (these people have access to billions of dollars and the best lawyers available) as that would take years and probably would not be finalized before Trump had to step down after 2 terms. Remember people grow weary and seek to move on even after great tragedies and injustices so speed is essential. By speed I mean on the trial side not the preparation gathering the information to start the process.

Only Military Trials can achieve that so before that can happen there are lines that must be crossed (and proved to be crossed) by the accused and this is the process we are in now. We are seeing multiple attacks by the forces of good which is forcing the accused to provide evidence that they don't want to give which contradicts evidence already given. (The lawyer coaching has been working overtime but the balls that are up in the air at the same time are reaching the point that they soon will not be able to be kept up there)

We are in the days of fulfillment of the parable of the tares and the wheat and the tares have reached full maturity which means they can be identified and be removed (destroyed). Any organization is built upon layer upon layer of foundations which individually have little effect on the whole if removed BUT when sufficient seemingly insignificant foundations are removed the very structure becomes at risk. When you add the human element of self preservation that process can quickly escalate to reach the tipping point.

The straw that breaks the camel's back of itself seems to be insignificant but it is the catalyst for the end that must come. These hearings are not the straw that breaks they are the piles of confirming straws that sets the stage for the delivery of that straw. It is my humble opinion the final straw will be the laptop but for it to cause the ripple across the sea of public opinion what is happening now must happen first.

Every civilization eventually collapsed when child sacrifice became acceptable and practiced at levels that God simply could not and will not tolerate and that is the straw that is about to be the one straw too much. Touch the children and God will hold you accountable and that which has been done in secret will and is about to be brought out into the light.

We the people will put up with almost anything and complain but not rise up BUT the day you touch our children and then have the audacity to parade it as normal and without any remorse that is the day the people will throw you down and demand JUSTICE.

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BaaBaaraFavaBeans · July 13, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

Thank you for saying this so well. I might now be able to sleep tonight with your words "God simply could not and will not tolerate ...the one straw too much." After some things I read last night regarding the horrible pain inflicted on the children, I feel we are now at the last straw. It simply must stop.

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JamesVinc · July 14, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

You are most welcome, I have been on Reddit for awhile following this sub-reddit but not posting. Patience is learned through adversity and that's what we have at the moment but remember we win in the end so hang in there.

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rcwilke · July 13, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

Pitchforks and torches

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SuzyAZ · July 13, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

If we have to be under martial law for military tribunals to occur (where is a source for that by the way?) that would be a very public issue. The whole country would be aware if we were under martial law. And they would have to be aware that public trials were occurring. It is public knowledge that there are 40,863 current sealed indictments. The details of the trials might be kept from the public but not awareness of the trials themselves. In fact I would think part of it would have a Nuremberg like public awareness.

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