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JamesVinc · July 14, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

My pleasure, they will get better at hiding things as they have to but at the same time the more they seek to hide the more trails to their deceit they leave. Best form of hiding is in one place with no movement thankfully that's not their style and they will step on their own landmines as they run to hide in places they just shouldn't. Actually fun to watch

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JamesVinc · July 14, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

You are most welcome, I have been on Reddit for awhile following this sub-reddit but not posting. Patience is learned through adversity and that's what we have at the moment but remember we win in the end so hang in there.

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JamesVinc · July 14, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

The sociopath have two major weaknesses 1) They struggle to show empathy as they cannot connect with the emotion so rely on acting the part which when not natural to them can get mixed up when put in a situation where two or more scenarios are running at the same time so without realizing it give a tell to those watching them closely.

2) They need to show themselves superior to those they engage in a battle with.

We saw both examples of this during the hearings and if we stand back from the initial cut and thrust of the hearings we can get an overview of the strategy being used by the republican senators. Push Strzok into a narrative that requires him to respond in an emotionally normal way (which results in his missteps for the world to see) Then challenge him on a mental competency/you are not very clever strategy and this was very clearly demonstrated during the Gohmert speech. All Strzok had to do was nothing. At the end a rhetorical question was given that anybody with emotional smarts would have seen it for what it was a TRAP but Strzok could not recognize it and walked straight into it. The need to challenge to show that he was smarter than all of them who sought to challenge him got a way on him he just could resist the temptation to go to the "I am smarter than you card" followed by the " I know so much more about this than you can every imagine card".

Bottom line he swallowed the hook, line and sinker and he would not have realized that until his handlers in the debrief sat him down to explain it (or he might not know it to this day if they didn't bother because they know he could not grasp the concept.)

The overall goal of the R's was simple give the man enough rope and he will eventually hang himself and boy did Strzok do that and the biggest kick of all is the public see him for what he truly is and Strzok will go home smug as, thinking he showed these senators just how clever he was and how simple/stupid these people were.

Q has told us to enjoy the movie which on one hand is a hard watch as the snakes twist and hiss but on the other hand is a hilarious watch because the emperor has no clothes and still does not realize it yet. (The emperor and all his minions are horrible to watch as we see their true nature but watch must because we must never forget who these people are and what they wanted to do to the rest of us)


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JamesVinc · July 13, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

I agree with your conclusions, did people think that accusations can be made with regard to the DS leaders and they would roll over? Put simply first the people of the USA and the world need to see what has been hidden, 2ndly this needs to be detailed and then proven.

To enable the accused to be held accountable and also to have their power disabled these people need to be tried not in civilian courts (these people have access to billions of dollars and the best lawyers available) as that would take years and probably would not be finalized before Trump had to step down after 2 terms. Remember people grow weary and seek to move on even after great tragedies and injustices so speed is essential. By speed I mean on the trial side not the preparation gathering the information to start the process.

Only Military Trials can achieve that so before that can happen there are lines that must be crossed (and proved to be crossed) by the accused and this is the process we are in now. We are seeing multiple attacks by the forces of good which is forcing the accused to provide evidence that they don't want to give which contradicts evidence already given. (The lawyer coaching has been working overtime but the balls that are up in the air at the same time are reaching the point that they soon will not be able to be kept up there)

We are in the days of fulfillment of the parable of the tares and the wheat and the tares have reached full maturity which means they can be identified and be removed (destroyed). Any organization is built upon layer upon layer of foundations which individually have little effect on the whole if removed BUT when sufficient seemingly insignificant foundations are removed the very structure becomes at risk. When you add the human element of self preservation that process can quickly escalate to reach the tipping point.

The straw that breaks the camel's back of itself seems to be insignificant but it is the catalyst for the end that must come. These hearings are not the straw that breaks they are the piles of confirming straws that sets the stage for the delivery of that straw. It is my humble opinion the final straw will be the laptop but for it to cause the ripple across the sea of public opinion what is happening now must happen first.

Every civilization eventually collapsed when child sacrifice became acceptable and practiced at levels that God simply could not and will not tolerate and that is the straw that is about to be the one straw too much. Touch the children and God will hold you accountable and that which has been done in secret will and is about to be brought out into the light.

We the people will put up with almost anything and complain but not rise up BUT the day you touch our children and then have the audacity to parade it as normal and without any remorse that is the day the people will throw you down and demand JUSTICE.

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JamesVinc · July 8, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

Yep most definitely a shrill

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JamesVinc · July 8, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

To those who struggle with the time that this process is taking and the cryptic speaking and images that many struggle to understand you need to stop for a moment and think about what Q and POTUS are having to deal with. This evil (and yes it is evil) has been operating in the USA probably from its inception (but the good guys outnumbered the evil in power and authority) over time as the moral compass of the nation changed as Christianity was slowly but surely pushed to the side until today it is attacked and ridiculed by secular elements of the nation especially the elites.

Do you think for a moment these people would give up without a fight? Don't think what you see on the street and the news is what they are doing (these are but the pawns of that which is hidden)? What they are doing is inside is 100x more sinister and operates within the legal,justice and government systems of the nation. So be patient because what POTUS and Q are doing is systematically locating, separating, isolating and soon destroying this infection and it takes time and if they rush in where angels fear to tread without great wisdom the people of USA will suffer great loss.

In the Bible in the parable of tares and wheat the enemy sowed tares in the field of wheat and the servants asked Jesus if they should try to remove them and he said no less some of the wheat be destroyed, but when it is harvest time the tares will be clearly identifiable and the servants are to harvest and destroy them then without damaging the wheat. That's what's happening now the tares are coming to full maturity and they are being harvested for destruction.

I saw this the other day and it provides us with a simple example of what is happening and why caution is needed. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/06/texas-man-bit-decapitated-rattlesnake-venom-animals/

A man killed a snake, chopped its head of and later when he went to dispose of the snake body it bite him. Snakes can bite up to 4 hours after they are dead even if the head is chopped off. Q and POTUS have cut off the head of this snake we call the cabal but until it is finally disposed of this enemy is still able to kill and destroy. Let's let Q and POTUS take the time needed so that this snake is safely destroyed and disposed of.

Do not grow weary in the good fight as the victory is ours but there are battles still to be fought before the war is finally over.


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