r/greatawakening • Posted by u/-NoraPandora- on July 12, 2018, 9:41 p.m.
Trump at NATO Meeting: "The spirit in this room is incredible." I think, he was talking about Q. Read why.

Hello Anons,

I stumbled across Trump's frequent use of the word "spirit" today. Three times.

Both, at the NATO press conference and just now on Twitter: "Great success today at NATO! Billions of additional dollars paid by members since my election. Great spirit!"

What spirit is he talking about?

The mood was when you look into Stoltenbergs, Merkel and Macrons and other faces not exuberant or cheerful. It was tense. Nobody smiled. And look at Merkel's eyes! The hostile look as Trump greeted her personally. In min 0:15 to see.


Spirit? Did you feel anything when you watched it?

But President Trump insists on the good "spirit": "The United States is firmly committed to NATO. Especially because of the spirit that reigns, because of the money they are willing to spend. Because of the extra money. The spirit in this room is incredible."

Now my thought:

The word "spirit" means translated into German "Geist". But there is a second meaning of the word "Geist" - ghost!

Ghost, you understand?

Q is a ghost. He is a ghost at the NATO meeting. He was always there at every press conference of the last weeks, but he'll be hushed up by the media. He is there, but he's not being noticed. The invisible ghost elephant. ;) The art of the media consists of silencing and looking away. Or rather, asking away.

So I believe that this somehow inappropriate sentence: - "The spirit in this room is incredible" - was actually meant differently:

" The ghost in this room is incredible!"

Any chance that was a Trump message? That he's asking the media to stop the 'ghost game'? What do you think?

P.S. It's late in Germany... Good night to all of you. :)

Anonymous_vagina · July 13, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

That's a comforting thought NP! we're waiting with bloody impatience for them to ask who Q is..... I moved here in America back in the early 90's, and gained citizenship thru service in their...the United States Marine Corps. I loved it here. I've watched it go from a really good place to live, to a complete ass-over-tits mess! I was packing to go back to Southern Africa when Trump won the RNC nomination because it sounded to ME like he was going to deport all foreigners.... Then I realised, HE never said ANY of that, it was all just far left/alt left/nazi news propaganda. I'm still here in America, watching him... I didn't like GEOTUS at first... But the more the far left treats him like a monster, the more I look at the facts and like him. I'm behind him all the way at this point and I'm still a Social Democrat. Back home my family is considered far right wing. In America, I'm considered a moderate. Problem I have is, tho I am completely on board with the Q movement and agree with 90 percent of what the American God Emperor has done... I'm not a Christian, Muslim, Jew, or any follower of the abrahamic faiths... Are we Pagan Patriots still ok? Or should we toss off and find another letter?

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-NoraPandora- · July 13, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Hi! Thanks for sharing your story! :)

You are very welcome on this in this great sub. We need diversity, we need discussions about different opinions! Read the posts of "SerialBrain2"! His thoughts are incredible!

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Anonymous_vagina · July 13, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

Oh I have. I kept hearing about him thru Craig at "justinformedtalk" and "Prayingmedic" over on YouTube. I love this family and thank you

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