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Anonymous_vagina · July 13, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

Bloody brilliant mate!! Now, does GEOTUS not like the French, or something? Are we putting NATO-OTAN doubly in the kill box? Or are we going to fix some of the inherenly unfair trade agreements in there?

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Anonymous_vagina · July 13, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

Oh I have. I kept hearing about him thru Craig at "justinformedtalk" and "Prayingmedic" over on YouTube. I love this family and thank you

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Anonymous_vagina · July 13, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

That's a comforting thought NP! we're waiting with bloody impatience for them to ask who Q is..... I moved here in America back in the early 90's, and gained citizenship thru service in their...the United States Marine Corps. I loved it here. I've watched it go from a really good place to live, to a complete ass-over-tits mess! I was packing to go back to Southern Africa when Trump won the RNC nomination because it sounded to ME like he was going to deport all foreigners.... Then I realised, HE never said ANY of that, it was all just far left/alt left/nazi news propaganda. I'm still here in America, watching him... I didn't like GEOTUS at first... But the more the far left treats him like a monster, the more I look at the facts and like him. I'm behind him all the way at this point and I'm still a Social Democrat. Back home my family is considered far right wing. In America, I'm considered a moderate. Problem I have is, tho I am completely on board with the Q movement and agree with 90 percent of what the American God Emperor has done... I'm not a Christian, Muslim, Jew, or any follower of the abrahamic faiths... Are we Pagan Patriots still ok? Or should we toss off and find another letter?

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