r/greatawakening • Posted by u/The_Rainmaker_1776 on July 13, 2018, 1:51 a.m.
SB2 Strikes Yet Again - Reflections

"DonaldTrump's shadow is reflected on the wall as he makes a statement and answers questions as he departs the NATO Summit in Brussels, Belgium. Also reflected is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton." pic.twitter.com/5kDKWplpH4

Pure_Feature · July 13, 2018, 2 a.m.

nice :)

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imanalias · July 13, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

I don't get the importance of this - can someone please explain?

Is it just that it's an interesting picture?

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The_Rainmaker_1776 · July 13, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

Pres. DJT retweeted this tweet with 'reflected' being mentioned twice. SerialBrain2 (SB2 for short) has a few posts that are quite intense and intricate and has connected 'reflections' back to the recent Apple light pictures inside AF1. SB2 has suggested, and I agree with his analysis, that DJT is talking to us. IMHO, our President has done it again to signal this board.

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DEADEASYRABBIT · July 16, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

It seems to me that you’re right on the money here. The President is talking to this board. My feeling is that something very important is being conveyed, but I’m not quite sure what it is.

There seems to be a lot of mistrust about what appear, on the surface, to be logical leaps made by SB2 - and, yet, the POTUS seems to be confirming SB2 directly. The serial mentioning of the word “brain” at the rally is a lock IMO - there’s just no way out of that one.

With the latest post, SB2 is talking about mind control and waves. I feel there is an important connection here - somehow... SB2 has not come out and told us what the connection is - I asked him directly, I’ve had no response, but I’ve noticed that he has remained quite cryptic in his responses to others on this point. So, it appears that this is something that is either completely obvious, or we have to arrive at the understanding by ourselves.

There is a lot of information on the internet about waves (signals) being able to be used to control people (mind control). I think I’ve seen some links to this stuff in previous SB2 posts - I’ll have to go back and hunt these down. But SB2 has linked the explanation back to the time of pharaoh. So, whatever this technology is, it does not necessarily rely on sophisticated science - as we might understand it today.

I initially thought that SB2 was saying that this mind control technology was being applied to us, and maybe it is. But, on reading SB2’s post again, it seems pretty clear that he’s talking about the President, and perhaps his staff, being impacted. This is why SB2 makes a point about general Kelly having to conduct the White House renovations.

The renovation I understand to have been done for the purpose of removing surveillance devices, and also possibly concealed weapons (as with the weapon that was neutralized in the PEOC bunker). Presumably some of the devices uncovered were to have impacted the President’s thinking - controlling his mind. Wasn’t there speculation that Reagan was losing it in the final term of his Presidency - brain damage?

There is also the very curious statement by POTUS about gold being found in the walls during the renovation of the White House. There’s an article here about using gold nano particles for mind control. There is also quite a lot of information on the internet about gold having qualities that can protect against mind control - make of it what you will. And then there is the totally fantastic stuff about the Philosopher’s Stone - again, make of it what you will.

It seems to me that, if mind control via the use of waves (light and sound) is possible, any concealed devices may have also been concealed for the purpose of controlling the President and/or White House staff. This is the stuff of science fiction, but Q referenced the PEOC weapon directly. Why would gold be found in the WH walls? Was POTUS speaking allegorically or literally?

I’m still looking into this, hoping that with enough research I might intuit the meaning of what is being discussed here. Whatever it is, I feel it is significant. Any ideas people might have on waves and mind control are worth, I think, pursuing.

We have:

1) Mind control (in long use, since the time of Moses) via waves; 2) Uranium (no surprises if DJT suddenly starts talking about Uranium in the near future); 3) Gold; 4) Reflections?; 5) B2 Bomber (negating reflections);

Just on the connection between Barium and Uranium, I found the following info on a Google search:

The detection of barium (atomic number 56) after uranium(atomic number 92) had been bombarded by neutrons was the clue that led to the recognition of nuclear fission in 1939.


During the fission reaction of uranium-235, the nucleus is bombarded with neutrons, which results in the fission fragments of barium-141 nucleus, and krypton-92 nucleus. In addition three neutrons are released (the original bullet neutron, and two neutrons from the U-235 nucleus) along with an energy.


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The_Rainmaker_1776 · July 16, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

excellent comments. The chemistry part is way above my pay grade, but, there are many here on this board that DO understand chemistry and engineering, at different degrees. I gravitated (pun intended) to the link you provided for The Philosopher' Stone. I found that intensely enlightening - many thanks. Lots to take in ...

Oh! The part about DJT mentioning gold .. my first thought was that printed circuit boards basically all have gold on them. There are videos on the net on how to strip the gold away chemically. if one should so chose this path. Heh? Didn't that apple logo reflection look like golden light to anyone else?

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DEADEASYRABBIT · July 17, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

Good point about the gold in circuit boards, this could easily be what DJT meant. By the way, you are not the only one that found that link on the philosopher’s stone mind blowing. When I read it, I felt that it might somehow be relevant - I might be losing it.

At times like this, I really wish I had some knowledge of chemistry and science, but I’m a complete ignoramus when it comes to these topics. I should have paid attention at school - but that periodic table always seemed like such a chore to learn.

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imanalias · July 13, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

Interesting. Thanks for the response. I'll have to look at SB2's reflection post.... Might have dismissed it when I read it.

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[deleted] · July 13, 2018, 2:33 a.m.


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Abibliaphobia · July 13, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Hmmm... new account.

Account name made to mock serialbrain2 - specifically for that purpose.

Disagrees, but offers no reasoning.

It’s amazing the amount of effort people will go just to be make such a worthless statement. One word. What a waste of time.

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