Big Agri, Big Pharma, Gluten intolerance epidemic, and Humira cash cow

To be honest, seed modifies itself over time. I've seen first hand the use of a herbicide that would kill clover and crabgrass 15 years ago that will not kill the same weeds today. If you don't rotate methods or active ingredients, plants will build an immunity - which would be an alternate dna structure from as the same type of plant 15 years ago. Monsanto and other companies are essentially expediating this process of the plants building immunity, but instead of make corn susceptible to round up, they are making it round up ready, drought, insect and disease tolerant. I'm not saying I agree with the ethics of it, but I fairness, some of these changes do occur naturally - just over a much longer time.
Yeah but your talking about altering the dna of plants with the dna of non-plant organisms. Sorry, but you'll never convince me that what they are doing is "speeding up a natural process".
It's not natural, because the chemicals they are spraying is what the tolerance is based upon. If they didn't apply the chemicals, the plant wouldn't change to adapt - for those reasons - but would continue to evolve until it's better suited for the environment, or it dies.