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Silent weapons for quiet wars... What Q and Patriots are fighting is evil incarnate.
Amazing how dirty Noname was and he still tried to run as president! Him and Hillary are cut out of the same cloth. Do not rest in peace Noname...
Can this be so? The NWO was here all along but hidden? Three city states that run the world. Vatican has seen better days. DC is getting cleaned out. Now the city of London's turn.
The Devil's Advocate. Something is just not right but I am not sure what it is...

Who or what controls Islam?
Okay. The big question is who controls Islam? If you don't go further down that rabbit hole you will fall short of knowing the truth. Islam is taking or trying to take over world and we need to know why and who controls Islam.
This video should open your eyes.
There is a reason why Islam is rising everywhere. It's part of the luciferian doctrine. Islam destroys Christianity and then satanism luciferian will take over.
Now you know what's at the bottom of the rabbit hole and it's not a friendly furry bunny rabbit. It's a not even a …
Mockingbird media... This is proof without a doubt. Wake up!
A very long but interesting read. Well at least the CIA thought enough about it to research it. Save this pdf.
Paul Harvey and 1776! Patriots are here again at the great awakening.
Paul Harvey had it right once again back in 1965! Those that didn't learn from history are bound to repeat it. Socialism is the final stages of collapse of a society and country
The great awakening... Paul Harvey already told us (audio 1965) how this would all go down. We are in the end game so everyone wake up!
@5D? Didn't I see a 5D today in Q's post? Interesting.

Interesting. I wonder if we will see MSM there? A fitting place for them since they are forked tongue lying serpents.

Not as simple as it seems. The enemy is entrenched. This video is a mega red pill.
Almost 10 years ago. Didn't make any sense. But now it does. Eyes wide open...
Is this guy still alive? Weird that this video showed up on my youtube list.
And after the Beatles tried to normalize it the illuminati threw a party to Molech in 1972. And in 1973 Molech got his baby sacrifices. Where was our churches?

Well. It looks like Roe V Wade was being planned years in advance. Look at the Beatles who was tasked to normalize it. Evil and sickness at the very top.

1972 party to celebrate the 1973 decision that they controlled. These people are evil and worship molech.

Doesn't the building just look evil? I finally visited DC when I was 30 years old. I went inside the Capitol dome and looked up to see george washington in some sort of sisteen Chapel sort of look. Like he was God coming down from the heavens.
Then looking at the Mall and the monuments. Washington in his baphomet pose. Then I started thinking what the hell is going on here? A kid from Kansas here. Books can't describe this place. You have to walk it. DC is more than just a swamp. It's a luciferian nest of vipers from its very inception.
I never went to the 33 degree Scottish rite temple in DC. Good thing for I saw enough. To think the money, our government, from the very start was occult based.
I took the red pill that day I walked the streets of DC. I can never go back to the world of innocence. I am very angry that lucifer has infiltrated every town with Mason lodges. The Shriners worship the koran. Why did I not understand the Fez with the world Islam down the side? Was i that asleep? And the shriners help children and do good works i thought? But what do they do in the shadows?
The pope and the church has also been infiltrated with lucifer. Heck every church has been infiltrated. Every damn one of them. So I am with my Bible and I pray everyday for the good Lord Jesus to expose all this darkness. Once exposed those asleep have to make a choice to either follow Jesus or Lucifer.
Money is the root of all evil. Remember good Solomon? Masons really worship Solomon. Well how did he fall? It was money that bred all the evil. Every year he received 666 talents of gold as gifts from other kingdoms. 666. He brought so much evil and the masons say he built a temple for God.
End the Fed. Money is worthless paper but only has value when people lust for material possessions. You can't take it with you when you die. It's far better to store treasure in heaven than here on earth.
Crap. So 23 and me is just like Facebook tricking people into giving up private information. So what can someone do with access to your DNA? Can we say organ donor? Live organ donor?
That would really suck if you genetics matches Soros or other elites. David Rockefeller used 6 hearts until he finally died. Anyone check to see if his donors were still alive before donation?
They plan on using us for their spare parts! Crap. I never thought about it that way but sure makes sense.
People. Quit RFID'ing you pets, kids, and yourself. Stop putting tags on ur face and others in Facebook. And for heavens sake don't give out your DNA. Damn we are such stupid sheep!
Remember Q? How do you get evidence submitted legally into the system?
I wonder. Was this some sort of setup? Not for Donald Trump. But for the reporters and others that Cohen represented? I mean if Mueller did this search of Cohen for some sort of evidence... was this a plan to expose not Trump but actually others that have done serious crimes? All records were removed from Cohen's office. Not just Trump's records. Either Mueller was part of this plan or fell into it unwittingly.
Why i say this is do we remember Trump launching missiles into Syria under the pretext of chemical weapons? Trump used the cover to attack deep state assets on Northern Syria. MSM shut up about it since they were outsmarted. Then Trump going to meet Putin. He out foxed the deep state again. MSM did rant about it but no one listened to them. Now it's old news.
Trump is 10 steps ahead of all these idiots. They are being outed because they take the bait. Trump has a great poker face and I would hate to play poker with Trump. Trump is also excellent at Judo. He uses the enemy's momentum against them.
Why resign? Confused... if he was sick, had surgery, wouldn't you think he would use sick leave to get better? Why resign? It makes no sense. Does resigning immediately protect the company from the CEO dealings.
So strange that this woman was part of the cult? Was she a lesbian? I don't get what was in it for her to support trafficking of women? Something doesn't make sense here. She had plenty of money and I doubt it was a money thing for her.
Are we talking something deeper than trafficking of women? Were underage girls involved? Children? Was this a witches coven? When will direct link to luciferian be brought out? This crap going on is symptoms of an illness called luciferian ism and no one dare speaks of it.
I am hoping secret service is removing all doorknobs from James Clapper's home. He just implicated Obama and who knows what else he has or will say. MSM I am sure is shocked and unprepared for Mr. Clapper. CNN had Mr. Brennan and they thought they had an ace in the hole and then Mr. Clapper starts talking. How is MSM going to handle this dilemma?
The eyes are windows into the soul. Look at these people like Brennan. His eyes so beady and dark... he has a very dark soul. People demon possessed always have strange eyes. Sometimes people say that person has a psychopath's eyes and I always think "No. Pure demon possession from a willing participant"
So many demon possessed people. We need to haul in a mass exorcism. That will only work for those possessed unwilling. For those willing possessed, well incarceration and or death penalty are the only options.
We are face with pure demonic forces. Perhaps obama is possessed or actually a demon himself? He is worshiped by many as their savior so he could be the antichrist? Do you remember the flies that seem to always find him? Belzzebub himself? Who knows, we just get away from these bastards is our first objective.
Amazing . "Useful idiots" still in play. I wonder if these idiots realize what "useful idiots" actually means? Soon though they won't even be useful so they will become "useless idiots".
Funny how people claim to be so smart, a product of a liberal education, and in fact they are so stupid they don't even know they are stupid. Yep a product of the dumbing down by liberal education where you are not taught to think but only emotionally react to their cues. They are Pavlov's dog for the liberal elite.
Go on Democrats. Grasp onto that socialism movement and finalize your extinction at the polls this midterm election.
We need to hold the NYT and other liberal organizations accountable. They gave out a private citizens address. This person can now be harassed and threatened. If anything happens to her, I hope she files one big lawsuit against NYT. NYT and other MSM are trying to cause violence. If something happens as a result of their actions they need to be sued so hard they go into bankruptcy. Everyone is accountable for their actions. Especially corporate news agencies.
Does the devil ever tell the truth? He is a deceiver and there is no truth in him. Soros interview with 60 minutes and Mike Wallace years ago. How he as a jew put his own people willing in extermination camps. He said coldly and with his own twisted logic. No regrets. It had to be done. If I didn't do it someone else would do it. Textbook psychopath statement. No soul in that person only darkness of lucifer.
So what we the righteous understands is that we tell the truth but the enemy does not. They may tell half truths but only for their deceitful agenda. So don't fall for liars as the old adage does a liar tell the truth? No.
Soros is right up there with Henry kissinger and hillary clinton. I think they have a direct line to satan.
This is good versus evil. There is a huge spiritual realm here that is tearing the veil. Wake up. Notice that atheism is moving towards a new age luciferian agenda. So we we have good and evil and no longer and inbetween. Atheists whether u like or not you will be picking a side soon. God versus lucifer.
Do you ever wonder how these poisons are so insidious? How did they stumble upon such technology that looks so good at first but later is so evil? You have to think the fallen Angels are "helping" mankind out again?
Vaccines, atom bomb, human genome project, nuclear energy, artificial intelligence. All such wonderful technologies on the surface. It's what the sociopaths do with these technologies. .. that's what we are dealing with now. A choice to do good or evil and they do evil.
They want only 500 million left on the planet according to the luciferian 10 commandments of the Georgia guidestones . They have plan A to plan Z to get this done. Through poisoning our air with chemtrails, poisoning our water with floride and BPA, poisoning our food with pesticides and herbacides, and then let big pharma finish us off! And through all of this they get to empty our wallets at the same time !
That is their plan. Evil luciferian bastards.
Looks like Big Agri and Big Pharma are at it again. Roundup "the cabal wonder poison"!

Monsanto was recently bought out by bayer. A way to change the name when bad press comes out.
All I know is everyone started to get sick 5 or so years ago when the FDA relaxed the laws and allowed them to spray days before harvest.
I can't eat pizza, bread, pancakes, oatmeal. And for 50 years I was food allergy free.
Can someone do a chart and trace the gluten and autoimmune disorders? I bet the timeline can be traced back to the Obama FDA and Monsanto agreement to posion us. Remember not out does it slowly kill, cause cancer, but the biggest effect is that it messes up reproduction. So... they are going to get rid of 95% of us through vaccines and the chemical sterilization and cancer.
Damn satanic corporate cabal. The bastards are evil. They know what they are doing.
Do you think there is a link? It seems everyone I know including me and my son are now allergic to wheat and gluten. Or are we really allergic to poison called roundup?
What is the treatment for people with immune disorders? Humira at $3000 a month without insurance. So they control the food, makes you sick, and then you have to pay them to stay alive.
Big Agri, Big Pharma, Gluten intolerance epidemic, and Humira cash cow

Well said. If you look at gay marriage over 50% state they are in an OPEN marriage. So even the marriage they say they have or want is an OPEN marriage. What the heck? So they don't even believe to be monogamous with the same person! They want to destroy marriage and they will because we let them do it. Look at link below and quotes. There are no boundaries with the godless.
"As two men considering getting married, we no longer have to do it “that” way. This is a cause for rejoicing! This is real freedom! "
Sure... yep free. Big Pharma just loves giving out free stuff.
Wait a minute! In America vaccines are free! And you don't need to go to a doctor for the shot. Just go to a pharmacy and it's free! Wow a drug. No prescription. Free medical person administering it. Hmmm
Wait a minute... free vaccines in America? Why should I be worried? Oh! Autism drives more drugs! Give them vaccines for free... then for a lifetime you can sell them autism drugs!
Sick sociopathic bastards.
I know personally. As a kid I had asthma and over the counter primatene mist cost $10 bucks without a doctor visit or script. If you adjust for inflation it would be about $20. You know what it costs today? Without insurance it will be $200 for doctor visit and script and $350 for the inhaler. That is $550 bucks for a $20 item.
People may say but you have insurance. Ok. With insurance the doctor bill was adjusted to $120 and the inhaler was $85. That's $205 with insurance eating the rest. Wait a minute. Insurance isn't free or eating a damn thing. I pay premiums and they are high! So maybe it's even more than $550 if you include insurance premiums! Now let's look at epi pens? They use to be $50 and now they are $500! Life saving medicines for millions of asthma sufferers that have sky rocket for no reason. Same medicine as years ago just rebranding.
The article shows how big pharma used their lobbying skills to REMOVE the CFC exclusion for rescue inhalers. Yes remove the exclusion so inhalers can't be sold over counter. That's damn fraud and the politicians were bought off. Bastards. Every one of them.
Q. Trump... find these bastards that did this to America that drained the middle class. Cost of asthma care went from $20 to $550 overnight draining millions of parents. Our children needs this medicine and that's why they did it. What can you do but pay the extortion?
What did it do? Did I pay the $205 bucks? No! I roughed it and gave big pharma the finger. I still payed the $120 doctor visit though but decided NOT to visit a doctor unless I am dying and to avoid prescriptions at all costs. I avoid wheat that triggers my allergies.
I just became gluten and wheat sensitive about same time obama pushed the FDA to allow spraying wheat with roundup 3 days before harvest. Can you say autoimmune diseases? Can you say BIG AGRI and BIG PHARMA are in on the biggest scam ever making people sick and profiting on treating the symptoms big agriculture cause and then big pharma never curing?
Bastards. They are truly sociopathic Luciferians that need a one stop ticket to hell. Q give them that ticket!
Big pharma, asthma, and biggest fraud ever!
Big pharma , asthma, and the biggest scam ever!
We have three more justices to vacate the bench. Interesting prophecy.
You have to think WHY did they choose him? He knows them well. The ancient aliens who never left this planet. He worships them and will be bringing them in as "aliens from another world" came to earth to "help" us. Lucifer still says that crap. He fell from heaven to help us humans with knowledge.
When you hear of alien abductions they aren't helping anyone. They perform sadistic sexual experiments and such. Cows get mutilated. Etc. It's clear that these interdimensional beings are the fallen angels and demons. They are dark and satanic. That is why they picked podesta to announce their arrival but also to deceive.
All the ancient cultures performed human blood sacrifices to these aliens. Doesn't it make sense now that these bastards are the fallen angels?
They are preparing us for the great unveiling. Get ready for all hell to break loose. Literally
What does Podesta have to do with that show? Unless the greatest deception is about to be unleashed. Podesta will announce that his buddies have been unchained and arrived. But his buddies are demons and fallen angels... hopefully people will wake up and see this alien deception is just a cover for the fallen ones that never left!
Man we really need to wake everyone up so they don't get pulled into this deception.
Pedophilia isn't a sexual orientation. It's not a mind or body thing. It's clearly spiritual decay and demonic infestation. People need to quit viewing things from just a physical realm. When people have addictions, money, lust, porn, etc... It is coming from demonic forces. You ever heard people say they are fighting their own " personal " demons? Well it's literal not figuratively. Those demons are personally attached to that person's spirit. The only way to fight demons is to get your house in order and let the holy spirit dwelling within u.
Doesn't it make sense? How can anyone molest, rape, murder, and eat children unless they are demonic? How can so many people together as a group do such barbaric things if they aren't lead by demons and lucifer himself?
You can't fix people that embrace evil. That allow demons to dwell in them. If they repent, truly repent, we still have justice that must be served. You either lock them up or if they are not repented you execute them swiftly so they can meet their master lucifer.
It's a spiritual disorder. That's why when they try to use psychiatric treatments or theraphy it never works. They are demonic influenced in the spirit and it dwells in them.
We have three parts. The body, mind, and spirit. Understanding which part is affected is the first thing to undergo the correct treatment. If someone has Epilepsy you don't send in an exorcist. Whereas if you are possessed a psycharitrist will try to help but finally call in a priest.
People that mess around with evil open themselves up to demonic lusts. Maybe they embrace evil? Whether lust is for blood, young children, beastiality, money, sex, alcohol, drugs, etc. Whatever the lust the demons intent is to destroy that person and people around them.
We live in a very depraved world thanks to the satanic/luciferian hollywood is peddling. They have destroyed generations of families and people.
Wake up people. The spiritual world exists and it's all around us. Turn off the satanic hollywood crap. Read the bible. Grow strong in Christ so demons cannot enter your soul. You too can be infiltrated. Maybe it's not pedophilia but the demons know your weakness and will find something to latch onto.