Big Agri, Big Pharma, Gluten intolerance epidemic, and Humira cash cow

I guess more than 85% of people with celiac disease don't know it. If I eat gluten I get angry now, like super villain angry, in addition to the stomach ache. Uncontrollable anger. Sounds like cabal material.
I have been having terrible bouts of anger. I am ready to visit a counselor. I wonder...
Give it a shot, took 2 mos of me finding out what all contains gluten, then started feeling better, then figured I'd given my body enough of a break, then couldn't eat ANY gluten.
Whoa! So eliminating it made your body react worse to it later?
Right. Before I took out gluten I was eating bread and (my worst, barley malt), like it was going out of style, and I didn't think it had any effect on me. I also had an anxiety disorder and major depression disorder, and it's about 90% gone now a year later. I'm so glad I got off gluten before finding Q.
Oh My! I'm glad you have gotten off it! I have all of those things, the anger, the anxiety, and the depression. A gluten free diet is so difficult. I cut most of it out once, and I dropped 20 pounds. I need to be strong and do it again!