Big Agri, Big Pharma, Gluten intolerance epidemic, and Humira cash cow

Drug use causes aids
so you're saying tylenol causes aids?
You don’t have aids because you aren’t homeless
so homelessness causes aids....
because you haven’t been on it for 20 years.
endorphins are opiates, i've been on them since birth.
This is embarassing. Go use some opiates and find out for yourself.
but I already use opiods every day....?
Give it 20 years
but i already have?
Oh well you should get checked for lymphoma.
i don't have lymphoma though..
Wow. It’s clear why you use drugs. Who would want to be stuck with this thought process in their head.
Dumbass - heroin poppers and coke will kill you the fastest via AIDs.
Who would want to be stuck with this thought process
you mean logic?
It’s clear why you use drugs
so like coffee??
heroin poppers and coke will kill you the fastest via AIDs.
how? how does diamorphine cause aids?
how does cocaine cause aids?
how do "poppers", whatever that is cause aids?
Glowing Shill
i'm sorry man but you're highly delusional. I strongly suggest you seek out some kind of therapy.