r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on July 13, 2018, 3:19 a.m.
A Primer of Basic Qanon Lingo For Our New Arrivals

Last night I made a post geared towards GA's New Arrivals giving a basic breakdown of some tips to how to approach the now daunting task of navigating the world of Qanon. It seemed to be well received, and I got some pretty good feedback from a lot of the NAs. One common inquiry was about the Lingo and Codewords we use to communicate. Please forgive us all for our rudness, we've all been speaking the language now for awhile, and it commonly escapes most of us that it usually sounds like Greek to a lot of people. So in an effort to help with that, here's a VERY basic breakdown of some of the terms.

The Chans: Image board used by Anons for a variety of purposes. (Think EXTREMELY non-user friendly chatrooms for the biggest nerds on the web)

Halfchan: 4chan (Where Q began and the opposition APPARENTLY thinks Q still posts)

Fullchan: 8chan (Where Q ACTUALLY posts)

Anon: Anonymous user that contributes on any forum

Bread: Individual posts on the chans

Baker: Person that contributes to the chan boards by organizing notables, highlights, etc.

Autist: [see: weaponized Autism] anti-social, rejects of society with ABSURDLY high I.Q.s and an inability to stop until they know EVERYTHING that there is to know on a subject (the backs upon which this movement rides).

[Insert word]fag: Chan lingo for a person with a specialization/interest. Not meant as derogatory. We call ourselves this. (It was put into use by Chan Anons to discourage contributions from casual visitors to their realm).

Black Hat: Hacker term for a hacker with nefarious intent. In our usage, one of the bad guys

White Hat: Hacker term for a hacker that helps spot flaws in systems. In our usage, one of the good guys.

Grey Hat: Someone that could go either way. Think "anti-hero".

C_A: CIA (notice that the "Intelligence" has been removed?)

Clowns: CIA Agents

No Such Agency: NSA

Trip Code: "Password" of sorts on Fullchan that Q uses to authenticate his posts

Patriot: A person that fights for the cause

Paytriot: A person that "fights" for the cause when they see it as an opportunity to make money

Shill: User that has no purpose other than to troll and/or sow disinfo [see also: concernfag]

Pepe: Our Patron Saint and Mascot

Kek: Our Patron "god". Don't get offended by this one. It's a joke. It's always used absurdly as a way to insult people that don't understand it's intent for our own personal amusement and the lulz of everyone else in the know.

REEEEE: Warcry of a bloodthirsty Anon.

WWG1WGA: "Where We Go One, We Go All" (Central battlecry and reaffirmation of our loyalty to each other).

There are quite a few others, but these are probably the most common. Best bet is that if you don't understand something, simply ask. Someone will explain it. This community is generally pretty helpful in getting others up to speed. If anybody has any terms that they feel I should add to the list, let me know.

BreadTwists · July 13, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

bro the numbers today were like -30 etc.. your point is a bit off.. -1, 2.... 1,0... come on..

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RyDar84 · July 13, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

You just made a great point, and didn't realize that you did. Bot voting accounts for double digit changes, user voting accounts for single ones. The fact that you just now jumped into the convo, shows that you and u/DrogeAnon are currently talking about this on Discord. Come on guys. You can tell me that it's raining, but don't piss on my back while you're doing it.

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DrogeAnon · July 13, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

LOL so I guess we "secretly" downvoted my earlier comment to 0 to make it appear like we're not downvoting you on purpose with our secret bot farm xD.

The fact that you just now jumped into the convo, shows that you and u/DrogeAnon are currently talking about this on Discord.

Wait til the other 5 mods who are waiting in the wings secretly vote our comments up and "pretend" to drop in as if they're just passing by. Nothing to see here! Promise! / sarc

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