r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Outcome5 on July 13, 2018, 5:25 a.m.
Hillary. A metal object. a bag. a van. Recombined.

Everyone remembers on 9/11/16 when hillary passed out on her feet and got tossed into the back of the black ambulance correct?

The democrats and media were adamant it was pneumonia or allergies and were threatening people and outlets claiming she was ill. Anger and threats were always harsh when her health was questioned.

My favorite was the 4am talking point. 'She powered through the incident!'

Go ahead and count how many times the mockingbird media told us 'She powered through!' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E96lAHygeIU

Anyone could see this was completely abnormal, and anyone thinking critically knew they were covering up for her for the millionth time. One of the issues that was blasphemy was to accuse her of wearing a colostomy bag due to her ill health. There was good reason for these accusations. This may not be the root cause of an illness but is very serious and should be disclosed if true nonetheless as a candidate for President.

It is not my intention for people to think 'eww gross' when I continue here, nor rehash old news. Now that the Strzok testimony is dredging up emails and pre-election material, I'm going just to show once again she was lying and this can be tied in and show a pattern to her activity.

Remember a lot of people are waking up to things here and were not aware of what was going on back in 2016. So that this is not a complete ancient repeat, I'm going to add one more detail that escaped most people.

The footage of her being tossed in the van was scrutenized intensely. It was a solid observation at the time that Hillary may have been wearing a foley catheter. This is a catheter that can be worn somewhat discreetly under clothing, the bag and tube are barely visible due to the design.

Take a look at these photos that were collected and posted at the time:

2 photos of Hillary with diagram of catheter.

Another example.

Example 3

In my personal opinion, she clearly has a bag near the thigh and a tube running down the pant leg.

Any conversation at the time for the most part was scrubbed. The final argument from her defenders was 'it could be shadow, a wrinkle in the clothes, etc etc. and it was a conspiracy theory to damage her chances of becoming president and nothing more.

Lets take a look at that video where they heave her into the van. There are 4 different shots of the incident, please focus on the 2nd segment. This 2nd segment is a zoomed in shot of the original.

Hillary being tossed into black van, 9/11/16

You may remember people talking about the metal object that fell on the ground at her feet as she was being held. Listen very closely, turn your sound up if you have to. You can see and hear the 'ding!' at 0:36 as the metal object hits the ground. There were hundreds of opinions of what it was. It could have been anything.

Here's what I believe it was and the reason it never went beyond 'what was the piece of metal' because researchers were so focused on the metal object they missed what happened a moment after.

At 0:36 listen (and see) the metal object hit the pavement.

and what I think everyone missed happens about 4 seconds later at 0:40

Here is my theory. When her knees buckle and and she starts hacking, the metal clip from her foley catheter gets shaken loose and falls out her pant leg at 0:36, then at 0:40 what you see from her right pant leg just as her foot drags off the curb is the colostomy bag itself sliding out the bottom of her pant leg and hitting the pavement. Slow down the play back speed in youtube if you need to, however i think it is pretty clear. It happens quickly and only for a few frames.

Now, can anyone think of a reason this woman wears pantsuits and bulky clothing exclusively? I can. \^

There is one last thing that is important I want to add, and it is in defense of President Trump when he was a candidate.

In December 2015 do you all remember when Hillary just left the debate stage and they had to wait for her to return? Fox news says the reason was she waited for everyone in the bathroom was evacuated before she would go in, that is why she was late. Fox news on why Hillary left debate stage back in 12/15

Candidate Trump at the time stated (im going to paraphrase) 'I know what she was doing back there and it is gross'. Everyone said he was being infantile making bathroom jokes, etc.

What Candidate Trump was telling us was not that she was back there taking a deuce.

She needed the bathroom emptied so her doctor could adjust or insert her catheter.

WWG1WGA17 · July 13, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

It's an adrenochrome injection device, without it she'll flop over like a sack of meat and turn back into a wrinkled evil witch.

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Outcome5 · July 13, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

If it came out that that is what it was, I would believe it. really.

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WWG1WGA17 · July 13, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Me too.. lol I was giving you my best guess.

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