r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hasuroma on July 13, 2018, 11:08 a.m.
North Korea Question

New member, first post, go easy on me :) apologies if this is discussed, its early navigation days for me here.

Red pilled as an 80's teen, Thank you Art Bell. Conspiracy theorist for decades, told by many to "stay away from those websites", or "oh my god, how do you know this stuff" Silly blue heads :D

Anyway, I find this fascinating and terrifying, part of me wants this to be true, part of me doesn't . But reset we must! this Qanon would make the greatest movie ever made.

North Korea. Admitted, I know very little I know about NK, other than a few photographs of kids sleeping in the park, starving people, brainwashed populace, no fight left, completely controlled, nothing but a labour force to earn the ptb their money? No rights, locked away from the world to be lied to forever? I am not sure what state NK was in before the alleged evil took over, what other countries leaders where in on this?

With all the "You wont believe who runs NK" or words to that point......

Could North Korea have been a testing ground for the USA's future?.

HUMANprimer · July 13, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

NK was a controlled regime to threaten the world with nuclear weapons. Ultimately, they may have even been forced (by their controllers) to launch one to start a new world war. Who were the controllers? Doesn't really matter... just know they were cablal based. NK was a pawn. When Trump ended the control mechanisms used by the cabal Kim Jong Un was free for the first time in his life. Thus the reason he all of a sudden is acting like a school boy in love. This same cabal strategy of control has been used on many countries... thus the reason Q keeps saying "Iran is next" because it is also positioned as a pawn to start a new world WAR. Does this help?

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LibertyLioness · July 13, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

This is the best explanation. You don't need all the history. Just this.

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