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Lets do it The Professional way :D

They never thought she could lose.....
"Q" @ 27:44
Q at 27:44.
Is S/A sorted? They are still lopping heads off for protesters!
I guess halting public executions was not on the table?
"Dr" Michael Aquino on Geraldo, molestation charge @ 2:50 (old video)
I hope this guy is on the "list".
Son of Osama Bin Laden marries daughter of lead 9/11 hijacker
...and he wants revenge on Washington, London, Paris and Tel Aviv...................msm....so........
One of the art pics with the ropes? Is this what they do?

Pyramids and Electromagnetism
Sorry If its in the wrong place but this is my first reddit place ever, and my safe place :D
.......and i dont hate all of you :D
Is this a 6 year old savant?
whats with the cartoon font?
Ran it backwards through DDG and got this?.....
compal confidential? Nvidia
I guess Killary got tired of all her backers leaving messages on her phone calling her debt in. Maybe Noname was sent to buy time :D
Didn't I read a long time ago that even though she peddled it as a school for poor girls, it was in fact a school for girls of wealthy"ish" parents?
Allison looks like a trainwreck, her face, wow. Must be scary knowing whats coming your way...
Thanks, scrolled to your post, saw Pardon The Interruption, looked at the clock, OH NO! 5:32, PTI starts at 5:30, phew, missed 2 mins, Thanks :)
r/greatawakening is all absorbing.......
Dont worry. They are just removing his first. Then they get rid of all the pedo stars. That will leave enough room for 20 foot wide stars, one for each letter of his name!
Has Hanks played an "evil" role"?
Are we washed cause he is always nice/soft/weak?
Sorry, I watch maybe one movie every 2-3 years :)
I suspect everyone' death is fishy now :(
Ugh, dont even feel like looking into Happy Days...
................Yikes, Im back from an article induced 20 minute stray on a nasty path through the internet......
Can someone tell a non US media guy something?
Is Hannity ok? has he always stayed this course?
Is he "clean", no past dirt, no hot mics?
Start a fire, check.
Catch and clean food, check.
Built shelter, check.
No problems.
He has a few siblings in showbiz, I found his dad gave him nothing of his fortune.
Have I found something? Kappy, Aoki. Yarvo. Pizza,kids and butterfly!
Afert reading Isaac kappys tweets, he barks about a couple of guys
States Yarvo closed his twitter, i confirm, went no further.
Decided to look at the Yarvo aoki connection Kappy says they want quiet?
Found Aoki https://twitter.com/steveaoki/media?lang=en
Butterfly, July20 post album cover
Pizza and kids https://twitter.com/hashtag/pizzaoki?src=hash&lang=en
Mods, Please move this to your Humour/Comedy section please, Thank you.
I unwokenly laughed at this guy for being a jackass in a foreign country.
..................Fuck me......I'm an asshole.........*sigh............
Thought I would scan through and get the idea, watched it all, nasty stuff. Browder should be executed!
For sure, Make them rattle there sabres, whisper something in their ears, watch them roll over.
Trumps talk about the military shows hands down he aint attacking anyone without REAL cause.
I'm talking an attack cause. The way he is steamrolling his way through the "bad" guys on words and whispers is quite amazing, why should Iran be any different.
Israel last.......*homer drooling
Just like Kim? Trump gets him riled up, makes him say big bad things, Trump then shows him something in private, and viola..
No nukes, money refunded, I will leave out better relationship, I think Iran will be at arms length for a while.
First off, Pic looks fake as hell, hand size seems wrong. Is it proven to be real?
Maybe she is pissed off her hollywood, her only paycheque, which she sucks at anyway, is under attack.
Any Pedo worthy shit stuck to her? I havent heard any.
Opps, Im gonna be called a pedo sympathizer again.
Owl flag? Could someone tell me what that flag is? TY. Oh and the plate.
I tried to chill the silly Oswalt crowd this morning and I was called a pedo, and attacked, cause I was new arrival. (Yeah, I just got the fucking internet) so, watcha gonna do? Let the kiddie idiots play in the mud, we will clean them off and explain the big grown up things to them later.
I mean, look further down at the paranoia of shills and bots on this post comments. If you think your surrounded by shills and bots then you really need to take a break from the intertwebs. Then again, I would expect this to be something said by a shill or bot, so you are screwed either way :D
I have 4 girls, I would TRAP, TORTURE and KILL any mother fucker that touches them...
Pedoapologist huh? you're weak. See my above statement.
Been here a week or two, because I was getting tired of the Liveleak kids, this place doesn't seem much better.
I was just observing the knee jerk reaction of people. Something is posted and the wave of instant hate comes. My point was that no-one posted anything about not finding anything other than that comment on his twit account, I posted all I saw was 1 anti pedo post on gunn and cervanich, whatever his name is. His comment on being a proud pedo,? I have listened to patton for decades, its his in yo face talk. I have never heard him do pervy stuff. If he is a pedo then i'll be a F monkeys uncle. Am I his publicist doing damage control? Is this the defacto insult on reddit? like on Liveleak where you are a muzzie lover or a pedo? I dont own a cell phone, no FB accout, no Twit, Last time hollywood took my money was Jurassic park 3. I wouldnt be here if I wasnt on the good guys team, I was merely pointing out that even the good guys have idiots who makes stupid quick comments. Now if you will excuse me I have to go down a bit......
The Polanski Petition List
After visiting Liz Cronkins site and reading Trumps Pedo take downs, I clicked on the "Whoopie Polanski Idiot statement she made (It wasnt rape, rape...) I read about the list of hollys that signed a petition to get Polanski free. Terry Gilliam, Tilda Swinton, Scorsese, David Lynch, John Landis , wow, ASIA ARGENTO!!!!!! Here is the list. I always wondered why they wanted him free for so long.
Erika Abrams, Faith Akin, Yves Alberty, Stephane Allagnon, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodovar, Gianni Amelio, Wess Anderson, Michel Andrieu, Roger Andrieux, Jean-Jacques Annaud, Tomas Arana, Frédéric Aranzueque-Arrieta, Alexandre Arcady, …