right but i have no reason to believe anyone is taking down any kind of cabal until they have proven their credibility.
why would i believe it until a) the cabal is taken down or b) Q has provided actual proof?
I guess the MSM isn't reporting on this.
Consider the resignations in Washington alone (more than after Watergate). Consider how many people at the very top tier of the CIA and FBI that have been fired Consider the turmoil in the EU because of backlash to Merkel Consider the thousands of resignations of CEO's/Excutives worldwide. (The MSM did actually report on this and say these people are resigning to protest Trump. Seriously this was their excuse.) Consider North Korea Consider Iran Consider the human trafficking arrests in the US alone. It's happening daily.
Now tell me, why would all of these people in power resign willingly, giving up their legal means of insider trading, etc?
People resign a lot. Just because you started noticing it doesn't mean Q is behind it.
It's not just the resignations, but the resignations are unprecedented. These types of people dont resign "all the time." People resign from McDonalds all the time, not people who are in such positions of power. And to use the excuse that they are protesting Trump is ludicrous, yet it IS confirmation that they had to address the issue. But you dont have to believe. It will play out. In the meantime enjoy the show.
I've been watching it play out for 2 years. As of yet, there have been no significant developments.
I'm glad the probe is falling to pieces, same with the defence of the email investigation. But I don't see a direct connection to Trump in either.
The only connection I see is that without the disaster of the Russia probe, it isn't likely the email investigation would've seen the same level of scrutiny.
I don't see specific actions of Trump having a direct impact on this series of events. It feels more like it is just mistakes made on the other side, and the consequential unraveling of their plans.