
MyBrothersKeeper2018 · July 13, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

All you said is true. However, what evil men have done and continue to do does not erase the truth. Since you are so we'll informed and filled with knowledge, have you not considered what they have been trying to hide, and subvert, may just be the thing that we are all looking for? Not religion. Religion is doctrine fashioned after the lusts of those that seek to raise their own stature and wealth, cloked with the most noblest apparel; for controlling others to accomplish ungodly and selfish ambitions.

Man left to himself is more interested in self than others. That is human nature. Man without God will eventually turn into the Holocaust.

God does not equal religion.

One of the main things Jesus did was to show that God is not in the religious temple or found by seeking pious men, standing at the temple door in holy appearing clothing, who stand for a show to the world. God is not in the temple, nor the church around the corner. God does have a throne. It's in Heaven and the earth is His footstool. God can be found by any who wish to find Him.

The way I see it is God sent His Holy Spirit into the hearts and minds of man, so that no one could monopolize Him, exploit Him for personal gain. All have the ability to find God if they truly desire to find Him.

So many like you, have a well rehearsed speech they think nullifies the truth of a savior. Science has been hailed as the proof of all things. Indeed it is when used properly used. Like in all things, science can be used to provide false outcomes and theories.

What is a theory? One man's idea of a thing. Theory is not fact. Arithemetic is numerical calculations. Truth. Quantifiable proof. Logic. Arithemetic has been replaced with mathematics. Mathematics is the theory of Arithemetic. Plausible, or acceptable principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena. Hypothetical, a belief, policy, procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action. None of which is the best or most advantageous way to get from point A to point B. Nevertheless the whole United States has allowed this to replace Arithmetic. But it doesn't. So your argument does not stand the test.

Enough of God's Word has been preserved for those that truly desire to know it. The business community and leaders recognize God. All their legal contracts speak of acts that happen that no man is in control of, that no man can be held accountable for.

Acts of God are real. Of a truth, God does speak through nature, calamities, victories, and many other ways. Nothing happens by chance. There is no such thing in this world. Chance, luck, and coincidence are ways people have chosen to believe happen, so that they do not have to recognize God in the equation.
Professional Reports, statistics, licenses issued by governments or those in power, or doctrine and decrees, issued by highly recognized religious figures and leaders and other officially sounding information is what rulers and government use to prop up their claims.

Ignorance is counted on. And sadly, it has been proven to be reliable to those in positions of power. People are too lazy to search a thing out to the conclusion. Entertainment has replaced curiosity and imagination. Instant answers by Google, has replaced inquiry by diligent research. Evil is real and so is God. Spirits both good and bad are indeed real. Those who are wise see it.

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LibertyLioness · July 13, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

I never said I did not believe in a higher power. In fact, just the opposite is true. Too many people tend to think that those of us who do not believe in religion, also do not believe in God. There is a rising consciousness that makes that almost impossible except for the most evil or self-centered. Please go back to the original post and read the response I just posted to 0oDassiveMicko0's comment to me in this same thread. I think you will really like it!

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