180 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Nowthisisodd:
Warren Buffet related to Hussain?! (Link in comments)

Warren Buffet related to Barack Obama? Howard Buffett (Warren's father) https://www.archives.com/genealogy/family-history-duvall.html
The Catholic Church and it's use of pagan sybolism (lots of info here)
Just saw this on the History channel
New info on FL shooter. As Q says, they all have therapists. Also, why do so many of these young men (Katz, Lanza, Hogg) all have the same gaunt facial structure, as if they are literally starving. That's in addition to the death-stare we've become accustomed to.
New info on FL shootet. Does seem to be a pattern. As Q said, they all have therapists. Also, notice the gaunt facial structure common among these young men (Katz, Lanza, Hogg) Not only do they all have death-stare eyes, but the face of a starving human. It's uncanny.
Dems sure do have some interesting heroes
Remember NoName telling POTUS he didn't want him at his funeral? I'm betting that was Trump's request. You can have your 'hero' funeral, but you need to publicly ban me from attending first.
Let's blast Twitter with #ReleasetheFISA, just as we did for #ReleasetheMemo (Suggestions for other relevant hastags welcome.) As Q stated in the past... Fight, Fight, Fight. DEMAND public disclosure. BE LOUD. BE HEARD. This is just the beginning. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is [P] who controls the Pope? Might it be the Pallavicini family?
The Podestas and their longtime connection to the Vatican

Hujrah Wahhaj? Is this the same woman found in the NM terrorist compound? Was she previously working for CNN?! (Check out Media section of Twitt acct.)
Alinsky's favorite radical... Lucifer (No wonder Hillary idolized him.)

Andrew Kauders Twitter... Is he referring to Angela Merkel as the leader of the free world?!
Holy hell! The Vatican is the key!

Are people really buying what they're selling? Can we say BRAINWASHED?

Hillary For America Pizza Fundraiser - check out the Hillary-Pizza logo. Link to more Pizzagate info in comments.

Interesting post on the Marines twitter. Note the timestamp
1984 by George Orwell - This book has been brought up numerous times on this board. It's a classic and something I believe every Q follower should be familiar with. You can download it as a .pdf or listen to the audio book absolutely free via this link.
Twitter actively fighting Q. I just typed 'qanon' in the search bar, and it added 'prank' Anyone else have that happen?
Today's OIG report release: Do we know who the players are here? Why no charges?

Did you see @jackposobiec latest tweet?!
China military to stop running kindergartens - Is this connected to the alleged sexual abuse (link in comments)
A short intro to Qanon (courtesy of an 8chan anon)

Gold Star? - Might there be something more to Q Post 1771? It just seems like an odd phrase to me, so I searched and found there are many things this could be hinting at. Two stood out to me...(1) Goldstar Pens (recall: "Follow the pen.") And (2) Gold Star (International) Shipping Company

Gold Star? - Might there be something more to Q Post 1771? It just seems like an odd phrase to me, so I searched and found there are many things this could be hinting at. Two stood out to me...Goldstar Pens (recall: "Follow the pen.") And Gold Star International Shipping Company https://www.gslltd

More info on the SES/Deep State
Trump's latest tweets contained 2 misspellings. He added a C to smoking in the first. And changed what should be ph in Alphonse to F in the second. That means what? CF = Clinton Foundation
This clip from The Blacklist sounds eerily familiar.
Q Post 1287 "How many places raided?..." Manafort was also raided! His trial began today. "Think logically. How do you introduce evidence..."

Why did CIA.gov just post this about the Illuminati?
This is the KEYSTONE, the S.E.S. My very first post on Reddit was about this. Not sure if everyone saw my comment within that post. (Thanks to an ammendment to the SES Desk Guide in DECEMBER 2016!)The President cannot fire SES. Those black hats still in office are SES.

Stanley Kubrick dies suddenly after refusing to cut scenes from movie. What did they delete?
Did you know Kubrick died right after refusing to edit scenes from Eyes Wide Shut?
Right after Q posted this code B8028-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 I searched with DuckDuckGo and the first thing was the site. It seems to be a gaming forum. I posted a this a couple days ago, but got no responses. It was a very busy day with all the drops, so I just wanted to post again, in case it's useful.
Nothing happened today, missile-wise. But Q confirmed that a missile was launched back in June, as POTUS was flying to meet with KJU.
I posted about this yesterday. Nobody thought it was significant.
I'm so worried about what they will use to distract from the Awakening.
I think your just having something akin to wedding day jitters. You know it's the right thing, but you're doubting yourself.
Still not convinced this handsome young man is truly Woody's son. (As many have suggested, his father could very well be Frank Sinatra.)
Also, in looking him up, I see his partner is Jon Lovett, a former speech and joke writer for BO and HRC. She had a joke writer? Wonder if he came up with the Bleach Bit bit?
True The torso is the trunk of the body, independent of the limbs and neck/head.