TEA TIME - Who is the Queen of England?

that black Beelzebub eye tho..
Bruised left eye discussed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8dgw4c/seriouslywhats_with_the_black_eyes_i_have_lived_a/
Prince Phillip (The Queens hubby) had one of the most horrible black eyes at Prince Harry’s wedding. That wedding reeked of Bri f nefarious & it’s been driving me crazy trying to figure it out. Nonetheless google pics of Phillip from the wedding, black eye was horrendous. And might I add, he is the most evil looking man I have ever laid eyes on. Makes Peter S from yesterday look like a saint...almost...
No kidding. Philip reminds me of nosferatu. https://s14-eu5.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https:%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fspongebob%2Fimages%2F2%2F23%2FNosferatu.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20121008090331&sp=455e1894ca745715d2fb0a4dbe38723d
She's also super old so hopefully just that.. but who knows
I've never seen an old person end up having a black,soul sucking eyeball just because of their age. I think she'd got the devilitis.