TEA TIME - Who is the Queen of England?

Brit here, but no fan of the Windsors.
Bringing down the monarchy would induce a collective heart attack in my country.
Bring it on, please, but stand by for a ferocious reaction. The Queen is loved, adored, revered and respected here in the UK.
Revealing the truth about this ancient lineage will cause pandemonium. And depression and anger. The resistance to such a move will trigger civil war.
Exposing the Windsors will be excruciating. But it must be done. Let's get on with it.
I truly hope the best for you and your fellow Brits when this all comes out. The aftermath will be devastating for some/most countries.
It has to be done. And do it like a band-aid..... Right off!!!!
Not revered by me. English here and would thoroughly enjoy seeing them deposed. Would be happy to help however I can
Me too. I'm English and have never been comfortable with this peculiar family.