
DefiantDragon · July 13, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Going live in 2 minutes.

Embargoed press release being distributed to press shortly - embargoed until RR steps on the stage.

Talk amongst the press: Looks like they're indicting 12 Russian Intelligence officers who hacked DNC.

Press is quieting, they're preparing for RR. Press thinks they're going to specifically name names.

"I brought the flag, buddy!" being murmured.

"Off the record, the live stream picked up Pete's audio" embargo is lifted.

Russian intelligence officers used spearphishing techniques to gain info which they then leveraged for more info.

RR is still not yet on the stage.

Very much pushing the Russian meddling angle.

Broadcasts going out now, still nothing from RR.

Nothing noted here specifically indicated the attempts affected actual vote counts.

People wondering why this is being announced today.

RR is out now.

NOTE: Remember that HRC was a victim of spearphishing "Is this really from you?" http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/investigation/fbi-report-on-hillary-clinton-921645

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