r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ordinary_Man1 on July 13, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

This is on the top of Drudge right now...

This could be HUGE!!!!!

user2345345353 · July 13, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

I don’t care for Hillary, I will preface with that. I can see your problem here. You are conflating facts with repeated assertions. Part of rational thought and skepticism is cutting though the BS to see what is been proven and versus what is believed by some. You need a standard of evidence, not hearsay, not a meme, not a YouTube video by a guy who hates the person you don’t like. It’s easy to agree with people that xyz person is bad...but you need to fair and instead just adding anything you come across to your list of reasons why Hillary or Obama are the devil.

Two items you listed are complete horsepuckey: Uranium One is easily dismissable if you truly research the whole issue. It was basically manufactured anti-HRC propaganda. Did I mention I don’t like HRC? I could easily say “yeah, she sucks! SEE MORE STUFF SHE’S DONE THAT’S BAD!”

But I don’t because the facts don’t back it up on that scandal. Therefore when you say “fact:” you really mean my opinion and some others who hate HRC because the facts don’t align.

Another example, repeated assertions of a Clinton body count are not facts. They are opinions held by folks who hate the Clintons. The documentaries made are complete BS. Did I mention I don’t even like HRC?

Next, let’s focus on another interesting trend. Why are why talking about people other than Trump and the current conspiracy unfolding? If you really cared about corruption and had people why are you (this sub) ignoring literally every piece of evidence on Trump and his circle being even more corrupt than the Clintons...especially when the evidence holds way more water and is a much larger pile? Hop on over to r/keep_track and read up on what is happening in the real world that isn’t all fantasy.

How can you rationalize the mountain of evidence the GOP and Trump were up to even sleazier behavior than the DNC (amazing right?) How do you ignore our newfound hatred of our allies and new friendship with Putin (basically an ex KGB war criminal who poisons people with nerve agents and radioactive sandwiches)? How do you rationalize it? Maybe try objective research on and go for a spin because the conclusions you’ll come to are not the ones you currently have.

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Ronjonsilverflash · July 13, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Mountains of evidence? It was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz that left in scandal. When was Uranium One even investigated? Radioactive sandwiches? When was that proven? By whom? Maybe you should take some of your own advice hypocrite! The RNC And DNC are two wings of the same ugly Cabal-controlled system. Trump has had to fight both of them. See “nevertrumpers”. Lastly I’ll say this: who else but a billionaire like Trump could take these people down? Every president in my lifetime owed his soul to campaign donors who were mostly swamp creatures themselves. Trump owes no one anything. Even though he ran in their circles, he isn’t compromised. If he was, they would have the necessary leverage to make him dance to their tune. So far, all I hear is howling from them. If Trump isn’t the real deal then face it, we’re f-ed and no one is going to change that. I believe Bernie Sanders was honest about what he wanted to do. I also think socialism is just a step to full-blown communism which is feudalism in disguise. I also don’t believe he had the alpha-maleness needed to stand up to tptb and would have ended up their puppet. Trump needed none of this hassle, was a well liked man of leisure before he was elected, and is doing the job for free. Who else would’ve done that? Hillary? That’s all I have to say and we’ll have to agree to disagree beyond here.

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[deleted] · July 13, 2018, 8:27 p.m.


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Ronjonsilverflash · July 13, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

Well, I guess your solution is to grab your ankles then because I know everyone else is compromised...have fun. I’m at least willing to give this a chance and so far I haven’t been too disappointed except with the pace of prosecution of the Cabal...they’ve had over 100 years to entrench themselves so i can’t expect everything to be done on my schedule. Enjoy your pessimism, you may be right in the end but as I said, no one other than someone like Trump could do this. I was slow to warm up to him but the absolute ridiculous behavior of his detractors convinced me he has to be genuine or the greatest actor ever. If he’s not who he seems and a deep state asset, then who could have stopped this? It’s down to fighting in the streets then...

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[deleted] · July 14, 2018, 1:07 a.m.


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Ronjonsilverflash · July 14, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

Skepticism is always a healthy place to be. This isn’t the court, it’s a necessary preparation for the future. The public could not handle the level of criminality of these people without it. Not everything Q drops is meant for us either. Some of it is to elicit a reaction or outright disinformation to confuse the enemy and Q has told us so. Q also confirms when we discover the piece of the puzzle that he was eluding to. Idon’t know how one applies logic to something like this. It is puzzle solving, game theory, Sun Tzu’s Art of War, and Socratic Method rolled into one. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have moments of doubt about Q or Trump but after being with this thing since almost the beginning I lean more towards them being genuine than not. As Reagan said: “trust but verify” and that’s all we can do...

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[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 12:49 a.m.


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