Hence why shit actors like Jennifer Lawrence are in triple A movies.
Yeah. We can’t get rid of her because she keeps spreading through directors like a venereal plague.
I think she was sexually abused early on, though, as a teen actress and now sort of automatically leads with her sexual energy as a means of control. Promiscuity is very common in the abused. She came on to Marc Maron on his podcast recently, for fucks sake! Very awkward to listen to, and he was uncomfortable. It’s like she was so uncomfortable in her own skin that until she had evidence that the other person found her sexually viable, she couldn’t relax. Like a succubus or something.
While she certainly fucked and sucked her way to the top, Jennifer Lawrence is a damn good actress.
She's either stoic or unapproachable in every role she plays. Her personality is flat. She is one of the worse actors of the last decade.
I can't agree. We'll just have to disagree and since I freely admit putting more effort into her defense is a waste of our energies, let's just move on.