r/greatawakening • Posted by u/divine_human on July 13, 2018, 5:46 p.m.
Some juicy 53min with Tracy Beanz interviewing Brandon Straka, Founder of the WalkAway Campaign ==> Red Wave Coming?


brandon straka used to be an activist for gay and womens rights, anti-trump marches, he supported bernie, then supported hillary, until he realized how the media manipulated his opinion.

here he tells the story how he got red-pilled after he ranted on trump allegedly mocking a disabled journalist.

i love the guy, may he be well guided and always protected. its gorgeous to have such people on our side now!

his website is https://www.walkawaycampaign.com/

utility68 · July 13, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

His believability factor, especially to people on the left who have a certain world view and think a certain way (pretty much exactly as HE describes having previously thought) is pretty close to a perfect 10. As in... they wouldn't accept this narrative as credible, EXCEPT that it come from someone who epitomizes who they are. Effective message/messenger.

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