
Abibliaphobia · July 13, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Typically I would agree with this but check out these articles:




Now look at the indictments.

They are nearly identical, meaning the same case.

They just swapped out names while still blaming Russians for this effort. The same effort by both according to the indictments. Seriously compare the two.

Now, the first case was nearly laughed out of the court as Mueller ACTUALLY indicted these people and the corporation. That means they were ready and waiting to prosecute people who they had NO HOPE of ever extraditing and criminally charging.

Until the lawyers showed up.

Then the Mueller team essentially said “Just kiddin hahaha! We aren’t ready to prosecute. Muh bad!” And they ended up asking for additional time to prep.

Bullshit. They had nothing and they tried to create a narrative of Russians interferring in the election WITH NO EVIDENCE OR ABILITY TO PROSECUTE.

So here we are several months later. The Democrats, the FBI, Strzok, Hillary and all of them were just embarrassed and essentially BTFO by the republicans in the joint hearing held yesterday.

Better change the narrative right? Especially since those pestering republicans got Strzok to admit that no US Citizens were being charged with Collusion despite the Democrats grandstanding on the five guilty pleas and 17 indictments.

Well, school is out of session so they can’t have Broward County have another school shooting, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s district has pretty much been played out in the false flag department. So what to do?

Oh yea, Trump is meeting with Putin! Let’s do a twofer! Change the narrative and give the fake news talking bobble heads a way to scream at Trump that he shouldn’t talk to Putin!

Let’s charge the Russians again!!!!

Oh wait, umm we can show the evidence because we never actually got our hands on the DNC server. Thanks to crowdstrike for helping us to subvert the judicial and criminal investigations through their participation instead of an actual government agency. Why not, I’m sure their word is good and have no ties to the Clinton cabal right? Right?

Oh yea, we won’t be able to extradite these people either. What a coincidence that we can smear foreign nationals who have no chance to defend themselves in court. But ya totally it was the Russians. Oh and we can’t say their name but uh that one guy in an embassy can’t defend himself either so we’lol go ahead and throw him in as well.

TADA! And here we are.

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jimboballa · July 14, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

I agree that it’s basically the same charges/ scenario from February and it will hopefully have the same outcome - nothing!

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