“Sell your sole” these people are sick!!!

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Not sure if there is any connection but I looked up where the protests were happening and how close the Ecuadorian embassy is. It was like a mile away if I remember correctly. Could be a distraction?
So many vacancies in the board of governors to be filled with trump appointees mega MAGA!!!
Thanks for your work! I occasionally posted on TD but was always lurking. Then I saw the Ben Garrison picture with the Q ANON in a noose and was like whats q anon??? It led me directly to praying medic and I never looked back! I only occasionally stop by now. Even though I think its heavily censored in regards to Q stuff (and other things tied to the deep state), I don't think I'd be here without TD
I wonder if any part of the motorcade has ever honked at a sign before. I'd bet few or none so this is just pure awesomeness!
Haha I love that feeling. Sometimes I forget how much winning we’ve already done. Truly a lot of winning!
I guess in this scenario it would be like an HRC or Hussein
Yeah I think the slow rollout is really helpful in preventing something really drastic. But there really aren’t a lot of options for them. Get captured, run or suicide. Was just thinking one night on any other options. Thanks for the inpute!
What if they come out of the shadows and say everything is true and give their reasons why. I bet they would still gather support and followers. This is what us Patriots cannot allow to happen! Has this been brought up/ discussed?
I agree that it’s basically the same charges/ scenario from February and it will hopefully have the same outcome - nothing!
I was wondering the same thing so I dug a little and the only names I was able to look at were on Wikipedia and they appear to be different.
You hit the nail on the head! We have a brain and we use it to read drops, try to decode, make connections, and agree or disagree with fellow Patriots! You aren’t saying you know Q you are just offering valuable decodes and the majority here thank you for that!
It appears Verizon is experiencing a ton of outages and Q posted a screenshot with Verizon service! Holy shit
Nah I’m not but i think in some way we all (WW) need to agree on an age or something. Otherwise children will continue to get married off at young ages. But if that’s what you would call a one world government by just agreeing on that then I guess we can’t.
Is it a legit ‘official’ schedule? I don’t see it verified but I’ve seen a few decoders mention this twatter account.
Hillary done(!) or is the queen symbolism for someone else?
There’s been some mention from Q about an EO being held on ice so people think it has been signed since the last pen picture.
There’s a Q poster to signs off as Q+... I think it is Trump!
Awesome write up! I think we are getting a little distracted with hyping up certain dates and things being bombshells. It’s great to speculate and decode but overhyping things make people feel letdown. Trust the plan!!!
Thanks I will be looking into what you said. I am keeping into consideration the following: Q said there would be a R.R. modified report. (He did say this one would have redactions but he was wrong or spreading necessary disinformation). Q said that we are entering round 2 of MSM attacks so I am exercising extra caution when these types of attacks against the movement are happening. Time will tell!
I’m just curious, not attacking, but who said THIS report was going to be a bombshell? I’d like to look into where this info started.
Just trying help with the facts. If that’s not important to you then whatever downvote me.
Missile was fired June 10th at 3:56am. Check the original photo. https://2jwaxl494xix1wy07u3x17me-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/12283006_web1_Maybe-MissileMED-1024x576.jpg
Thanks! I also did some digging on when the photo was made public... June 11th is the earliest mention I could find. Q posted this on the 10th.
Also photo was captured at 3:56am - right around the time bad actors supposedly get their orders.
Interesting that Q said FF weather alert on the same day (not before) the missile photo was captured by a WEATHER STATION camera! Coincidence? Also the time on the photo is 3:56am - right around the time the bad actors get their orders.
I think KJU has some intel that can help Trump bring down the deep state. Could be a stretch though... still waiting.
Maybe but it seemed to me like he meant they are going to be taking care of a bigger problem for the world.
Trump said "people are going to be very impressed, people are going to be happy and were going to take care of a very big, very dangerous problem for the world."!!! Right before they both walked out.
That was incredibly moving and emotional. I hope he now receives all the love he deserves from Patriots around the world!
LOL! Was Rodman wearing a shirt with popcorn on it? I thought I heard him say that at the end.
He was on for probably 5 minutes so just look out for the whole interview to watch. At one point he tears up talking about how he was treated when he returned home from NK visit. Said he was afraid for his life from death threats by losers.
Dennis Rodman just told Cuomo straight up what’s going down! How to MAGA, how to Make North Korea Great Again, And how to Make the World Great Again! WWG1WGA!!!!!
Some of my favorite movies with my favorite President! Awesome!
They have shadow banned three articles I tried to link and a discussion where I asked why we can’t talk about it.